A Specific Day

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The walk down a very dark hill wasn't really ideal when it came to romantic dates or surprising times Riley wanted to express to a woman. Sometimes back when she actually took women on dates she always had problems performing them correctly. When it ever happened the woman she'd love at the time would always want more than just her gifts and her tongue for pleasure, women became obsessed to have her all to themselves. Hopefully Gene wasn't that woman she tried to stay away from at all times. "I hope your not bringing me out here to tie me up to tree and perform crazy stunts before dinner is served" Gene implies. Riley chuckles at her violent but kinky comment "I don't think I'm out here to torture you, Frankly I think I've tortured you enough with my Death Machine you keep calling it" Riley implies. "I can't deny the fear I felt while riding on your bike" Gene taunts. "Oh really? You think bike riding is that bad? I thought she was exciting" Riley states. "She? And she is exciting it's just scary to zip through the wind as if your not made of shattering glass" Gene figures. "Trust me you have nothing to worry about, the moment you held onto me I don't even think a tornado could tare you away from me" Riley informs. " I hope that statement stays true the whole ride back to my car" Gene concludes. Riley couldn't make any sudden promises when both their lives mattered down the road. Bike or car, the road during the night was always a dangerous thing to zip along no matter the speed.

               Loud bright lights begin to come into view the second Riley lead her to the spot she had built the entire dinner at. Comfortably she grabbed hold of Gene's hand and led her into to the black tent. "Wow.. You've really outdid yourself" Gene exclaims as she looked around. "Is it too much?" Riley questions curiously while pulling out Gene's chair. "Thank you and no, it's romantic" Gene thanks Riley as she sat down cautiously. Comfortably Riley occupied the seat in-front of her and pulls the silver hat off the big plate of food. Fresh salad and perfectly cooked steak steamed into the air deliciously rumbling Riley's stomach to life. She was sure enough Gene was just as hungry as anyone else who would've been on a 1 hour ride from their Job. Who knew how long Gene had been hungry or how long it had been since she last ate a meal. "This looks amazing Riley" Gene tells hungrily. "Dig in, Don't waste your time thanking me for the home cooked meal" Riley informs just as she pulled her own piece of stake off the platter. "I'm serious Riley this looks amazing , Defiantly something I wasn't planning to see" Gene admits unexpectedly. "Flattering really, but what were you expecting? A dinner at another restaurant?" Riley questions her motives suddenly. Gene smiled instantly and answered " I kind of was, I was going to dislike the thought if you were wondering. Going to unknown food places is almost surprising and exciting to me" Gene states. "Would you rather have a taco or a burger right now other than this fresh seasoned steak that took me 4 hours to cook and 2 days to un-thaw?" Riley states as if she was almost offended by Gene's other chosen choice. Tipping the glass up to her lips just to take a small sip from her glass had Gene in a raffle of choices now. Riley could tell she was thinking hard about what she should say next by the look on her face just as she held onto her glass of wine. "Taco's and Burgers are amazing, but the Steak that I just slipped into my mouth Liquefied my taste buds like butter" She began in a bit of a chuckle right after. Hearing these appreciated words put a smile on Riley's face just moments before she tipped her glass of wine against her lips. "Your annoying you know that" Riley tells. "Oh i'm annoying? Says the woman that almost got offended by the thought of me choosing fast-food over a home-cooked meal?" Gene reveals tauntingly. "I have a reason to be offended, I cooked this meal happily without any distractions" Riley divulges. "Oh? Is that right? No distractions what-so-ever?" Gene re-questions. "I-I mean their were a few distractions which isn't any concern to right now" Riley concludes. "What could suddenly distract you as you cooked this fresh meal we have here right in-front of our faces?-- " Now why would I tell you that sacred secret?" Riley informs cautiously. "I did know that your distraction was such a secret" Gene states. 'Its defiantly one, now that you ask" Riley concludes in a stare into Gene's Hypnotizing eyes. "Don't be a secretive person now, explain it to me after all were on a date unless it's about someone or something you rather not let me hear" Gene assumes. Hearing this caught Riley's attention she sure enough didn't want Gene to think it was about her assistant Esther so she had no choice other than to explain. "Alright, I'll let you know but you have to promise me that you won't laugh" Riley mentions. "Laughing? Is this some type of joke your going to tell me? or should I be really concerned about the information i'm about to hear" Gene questions nervously. "I'm not here to tell you that you might die if that's what you think i'm going to explain , I just need your promise that you won't laugh at me when I reveal it" Riley mentions again , this time hoping to get a final answer from Gene. "You have my promise" Gene finalizes.

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