Chapter 3 - The Park Date

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- Friday, February 14th, 2003, Light snow, 7 am.

Before class started, everyone was passing around their Valentine's Day cards and meat to whoever their Valentine was. Dib had gotten Zim another gift so that it doesn't look like neither of them got anything. He saw Zim walk into the class, carrying the rose he got him. It caught a few eyes since Zim never gets anything, nor does he show much attention to the holiday.

"What am I going to do with this now?" Dib thought. He had gotten him another rose since it was safe and simple. Zim sat at his seat and glanced at Dib for a moment. Dib looked back for a few seconds before Ms. Bitters walked into the class. She had switched to the late middle school level classes since she was tired of the younger level students.

"Good morning students..." Ms. Bitters started, "As you all know, the school is allowing us to celebrate Valentine's Day...again... You have 5 minutes to get your Valentine's day crap out of your systems..."

As the students continued passing gifts around to their specific Valentines, Dib sat at his desk and tried to imagine how it would be if Zim wasn't there to destroy the Earth. It was a hard image to picture since Zim could realistically do anything, good or bad. He realized that he really didn't know Zim as well as he thought. Zim eyed the rose Dib had and snarled.

"Do you have another Valentine?" Zim asked.

Dib woke up from his daydreaming and looked at Zim, "Huh? No, why?..."

"You have another rose..."

Dib looked at the flower. He started sweating, "Oh, it was for you so you can get a gift in class..."

"Silly Dib... That's why I brought my gifts with me," Zim said proudly, "Where's your gift from me?"

"Uhhhh, Zim? I ate that..." Dib said.


"How was I supposed to know that??" Dib asked.

Zim groaned at Dib being unable to read his mind. He crossed his arms. Dib looked at Zim and his face went red.

"Don't make me regret spending the holiday with you, Dib..." Zim said.



- 3:30pm

After school, Dib and Zim were walking down the street from the school to the park. Zim was looking at Dib, but he didn't give eye contact back. Zim folded his hands. They made it to the park in silence and went to look for a bench to sit on. They headed over to one under a bent up tree. It gave some fair shade over the bench. Dib dusted the snow off the bench before they both sat down.

"You like snow?" Dib asked.

"It's not as bad as the liquid form of water..." Zim said, "Plus I've come up with advanced ways of preventing damage from it..."

Dib nodded and looked around at the park. The park actually looked nice, but only because all of its usual grime was covered in a layer of white snow. The City always looked better in the winter since all of it was pretty much hidden. 

Zim glared at Dib, "I find your silence annoying..."

"Sorry..." Dib said, "I'm still processing some stuff."

Zim groaned and looked at the people having a snowball fight a few feet in front of them. He saw one kid throw ice and folded his hands a little tighter.

"So why did you decide to spend the holiday with me?" Zim asked, "Did you have no one else on your list? Be honest..."

"Well... It's hard to explain... but I guess this can be our time to get to know each other better?"

Zim glared at him, but eventually shrugged.

"Fine. I have a question of my own actually," Zim said, "Why have you been slacking for the past two weeks? Am I not giving you the exercise you're used to anymore?"

Dib rubbed his hands, "Oh... I've just been.... low energy is all..."

A snowball hit Dib in the face from the snowball fight. Luckily it wasn't the one with ice in it. Zim rubbed the snow off of Dib's face and glasses. Dib moved his hand and cleaned off the rest himself.

"Dib Monster, I'm trying to help you..." Zim said annoyed.

"But why?" Dib asked.

Zim was now ready to get up and leave, "Have you forgotten why we're here??" Zim asked, "Tell me why-"

"Okay look," Dib interrupted, "This is incredibly odd for me to tell you, so it's going to take time..."

"Today, Dib... Today..."

Dib nodded and looked at Zim. He then noticed his hair was a bit odd. It looked more realistic.

"Did you upgrade your hair or something?..."

"Yes," Zim replied, "I got tired of wearing that itchy wig, so I used my lab to zap active hair follicles into my scalp. Yes, it was painful..."

"Huh... you could win an award for that..." Dib said.

Zim did not reply. Dib only mentioned it because he thought it looked nice on him. Zim had grown it out a bit so that it would cover where his ears are supposed to be. He was still wearing a hat over it though. It had a little length to it at this point. However, he wasn't the best at hair styling yet.

"You're taking too long to get to the point, Dib..."

"Alright alright," Dib said, "Look... I've been thinking about us and... my worrying has been stressing out my family... Why are you trying to take over the world?..."

Zim slightly raised both brows from interest and glanced at Dib. He smiled a little from pride.

"Weeeeeeell.... I guess I can tell you~" Zim said, "I'm doing it for my Tallest~"

"Your Tallest?..."

"They are my leaders. The Almighty Tallest! Every worthy Irken like myself is sent off to another planet, and they must conquer it for the Irken Empire~" Zim said.

"So... this is for your leaders?"

Zim nodded smiling, "I'm here to prove that I am indeed worthy enough to be looked at!" Zim said, "They trusted me so much, they sent me to a top secret planet that even they themselves didn't know about! And they let me be the first to explore it!"

Dib's eyes widened a bit. He noticed how happy Zim looked, but knew immediately that it wasn't a pure intention from his leaders. He used to believe that he was a top invading leader here for his own agendas, but something about the fact that his leaders sent him to a place they didn't even know about seemed a little off.

"Um...Zim?... Are you sure that they didn't just... send you here randomly?"

"What? LIES!" Zim said, "Why would they just send me in a random direction? We are one of the most advanced races in the known universe! Well, based on what I know of... They wouldn't be dumb enough to just send me off! That's a waste of Irken materials! And potential~"

"Well... It sounds like they just send you here so that you could get lost..."

Zim's smile quickly turned into a snarl, "Dib, you're not the best at dates..." Zim said, "If they were REALLY trying to get rid of me, they would have done it by now~ There's lasers! Mega robots! Really a lot actually ...huh..."

He shrugged then patted Dib's face. Dib just looked at him concerned. Zim just stared back, got uncomfortable and looked away.

"I think we should go to your house now... It's freezing out here... This was a bad idea..."

Zim didn't get cold often, but he didn't want to talk about this in public. Dib nodded and they both stood up to leave. Dib felt rather flighty in his chest. He's surprised that his family didn't pull such a trick on him. They easily could have.

Break Days ( Dib X Zim) [ Invader Zim ] ( bxb )Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя