Chapter 6: The final chance

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"Are you ready, Kion?" Nirmala asked Kion. "Yes, I am." he replied. They walked into the tree of life as Rani quickly ran towards them. "Kion, Wait!" "What's wrong, Rani?" "I just wanted to wish you both good luck. And I wanted to say goodbye just in case, you know, things go wrong." "I'll be alright Rani. Nirmala will make sure I'll survive." "If you want to, and if Kion doesn't mind, you can come in, while I'm trying to get Kion healed. Just as long as you're not a distraction." Nirmala suggested "Really, that would be great. What do you think, Kion?" "I don't mind. Some positive support might even be a good thing." "Thank you so much!"

The group walked in and Nirmala told Kion to lay down on the rock which he and Rani usually sleep on. Makini was with them so she could assist Nirmala when needed. "Could you give me the light blue plant, Makini?" Nirmala asked her. "Sure." the mandrill said as she grabbed it and gave it to her. "What does that plant do?" Kion asked. "This plant will make sure you won't feel any pain. You just have to eat it, and wait for the effects to start working." She handed Kion the plant and he swallowed it. "I'm not feeling like it is working." he said impatiently after a few seconds. "Give it some time Kion. The effects will start soon." Nirmala told him. "But how soon is soon?" Kion asked, starting to get annoyed. Rani walked closer. "Soon enough Kion. You should just relax." she said. Kion sighed. "Alright." he said as he tried to relax. A minute later he fell asleep. "It is finally working." Nirmala said relieved. "Now I can begin." She told herself. "Good luck Nirmala. I know you can do this." Rani tried to talk some more confidence into her friend.

"How do you think things are with Kion and Nirmala, Big B?" Bunga asked Beshti. "I don't know Little B. Maybe we should check up on them. What do you think Fuli?" "I think that might be a good idea, but Nirmala needs to stay focussed for now, so it might be best if we don't." The group kept patrolling, and when they were close to the tree of life, they heard a scream. "That sounds like Kion!" Bunga said to which Fuli quickly reacted. "Maybe it is better if we check up on them. Let's go.

"Makini, more flowers!" Nirmala said stressed. "I can't find more!" the mandrill said back. "What do they look like? Maybe I can help searching for them." Rani suggested. While this all happened Kion was screaming because of the pain he was feeling. The flowers he ate stopped working, in the middle of the surgery. He was feeling everything what was happening at the moment, and it hurt. "I found some!" Makini picked up the flowers and ran towards Kion. She put the flowers in his mouth. "Now let's just hope they start working quickly." Nirmala said relieved.

"What is going on here? And why is Kion screaming so loudly?" Fuli asked when she came in. "The flowers that make sure he doesn't feel any pain stopped working early, so he woke up in the middle of the surgery. We found some new flowers, but they don't work right away. He should fall asleep any second now." Nirmala explained. "And apart from that, everything alright so far?" "So far so good." "Great. Does this mean Kion will be healed?" "I'm not sure. He will most likely survive, but I couldn't see in which state the venom is, which means I also can't know if it can be healed." "Rani, can you come and let us know if there is more information about Kion's state." "Sure Fuli, I'll do that." "Thanks a lot." "No problem." After the conversation Fuli walked out of the tree of life. "Let's get back to healing Kion." Nirmala told herself.

"What was wrong Fuli?" Bunga asked when his cheetah friend walked back towards them. "The flowers that make sure he doesn't feel anything stopped working, but it takes time for new ones to start working." She told him. "It is also still unknown if he can be healed, but he will most likely survive the surgery." "At least knowing Kion will survive is good news. Now let's just hope he will get healed." "You said it little B. Let's get back to patrol now." Beshti said. "Affirmative" Ono reacted.

"Oh no, this is bad." "What is wrong Nirmala?" Rani asked. "Kion's heart rate is dropping. We have to do something or he will die." "How can I help?" "Get the rest of the Night Pride and Kion's family here, and do it fast." Nirmala ordered. "I'll be back soon." Rani said as she ran off.

"Fuli!" "Rani, hey." Fuli greeted "Any news about Kion?" "Yes, Nirmala wants you all to come to the tree of life." "Why? Is Kion healed already?" "No, he is dying." "HE IS WHAT?!" Fuli screamed. "His heart rate dropped, but Nirmala is trying to keep him alive, she asked me to make sure you would all come to the tree of life." "We're going right now" Fuli said "I'm going to get the rest to come too. I'll be there soon." Rani said. Then she walked away to search for the rest of the Night Pride and Kion's family. "I can help searching for where they are." Fuli suggested as she ran behind Rani. "That would be great. Asante Fuli." "If you go left, then I'll go right." Rani suggested. "Sounds good to me." They both ran off.

"How do you think Kion is doing, dad?" Kiara asked. "I don't know, but I think it's best to leave them alone for a moment. We don't want to be a distraction, do we?" "No dad." "Simba! Nala! Kiara!" "Fuli, what is going on?" Simba asked the cheetah. "Rani told me Nirmala wants to see you all at the tree of life. Things aren't good with Kion." Fuli said. "What are we waiting for. Let's go." Nala said.

The group walked towards the tree of life, and when it got into view they met up with Rani and the Night Pride. They all walked in. Kion laid on a rock, eyes closed, not moving. Nirmala stood beside him. "Kion is asleep now. I can't do anything anymore. Survival will completely depend on him now." Nala walked closer to the sleeping lion, and started nuzzling him. Kiara started crying. "It will be alright princess, Kion is a fighter. He will survive." Simba tried to comfort his daughter. "It is best if we all just let him rest now." Nirmala said. Everyone walked out, and let Kion rest. He didn't wake up that day.

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