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It finally snowed today so I want to write a snow chapter, but now I think I have a cold because I was out in it for ages 😂🌨️


Practice finished at 1pm so we have the rest of the afternoon free to ourselves, so Jonghyun and I decided to go with Key to walk his two dogs at the park, while Jinki and minho went home to the apartment.

"Look at Comme des and Garcon! they're playing in the snow!" Jonghyun said while pointing to his dogs while they played in the snow getting covered by it.

"they're going to ruin the new coats I got them" Kibum whined while rolling his eyes.

"Any news on the puppy you're getting for Minho?" Jonghyun asked while turning around to face the other way.

"uh.. I'm picking it up tomorrow, why aren't you looking this way while I'm talk-" I was about to finish my sentence before Jonghyun ducks down as Kibum threw a snowball at me ,hitting my face.

"Oh..Kibum you're done for now" Jonghyun said while looking at the traces of snow on my face.

"That's it! You asked for it!" I said as I started to ball some snow in my hands.

"OH god! WAIT NO! I HAVE TWO CHILDREN, RUN!!" Kibum shouted as he ran behind Jonghyun, pointing to His dogs. The next few hours was spent throwing snowballs at each other as the dogs ran around Kibum, trying to eat the snowballs as they flew past.

When the three of us walked home we saw Jinki and minho stood outside the apartment in the snow taking photos, the three of us looked at each other and picked up some snow, molding it into a ball.

"3...2....1" Jonghyun counted down before the three of us ran at them throwing snowballs at them.

1" Jonghyun counted down before the three of us ran at them throwing snowballs at them

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"MY SNOW CHICKEN!!!" Jinki screached while running around. "YOU RUINED MY SNOW CHICKEN!!" Jinki started fake crying as he started hugging the trampled snow mound.

"I thought I stepped on something..." Jonghyun said quietly.

"how could you... He was like a child to me..." Jinki pouted while stroking the snow pile.

"actually I made that? besides, did you forget we bought chicken on the way home, there's some leftover" minhi said while shaking the snow out of his hair.

"I FORGOT ABOUT THAT!!!" Jinki shouted while running towards the door.

"you guys took a while, and your hair is all snowy, and so is the dogs fur" Minho said as he wiped the snow off of Comme des and garçons ears.

"Taemin where's your hat and scarf?" Minho asked.

"I forgot to bring one" i replied, i could hear Jonghyun and Kibum laughing in the background.

"We should probably get inside, it's snowing even more now" Jonghyun said while scruffing up my hair. "we don't want you to get a cold from being outside in the snow for too long"

2 hours later ❄️🌨️❄️


"Well, Taemin isn't going to be able to go to practice tomorrow." Kibum said as he walked out of Taemins room.

"really?, how long was he out there with you guys" you asked while you, Jinki and Jonghyun were playing video games.

"a few hours, but he didn't have a scarf or hat on so that made him get a cold" Kibum replied.

"I take it You don't mind keeping an eye on him, he should be asleep at the moment, but the 3 of us have to go get food because someone ate the food for tonight" Kibum glared at Jinki when he said the last part.

"That's fine, don't tell Taemin you are getting food or else he will ask you to g-" I was cut off by the sound of Taemin in the hallway.

"Banana milk please Kibum" Taemin said with puppy eyes and a cute smile.

"of course, go back to bed or else you won't get any" Kibum said as Taemin walked slowly back to his room.

"you're weak" Jonghyun replied with a sigh.

"Hey, what my child wants, my child gets" Kibum said as they each left the apartment.

I've never realised how quiet this apartment is... Ominously quiet... What's He up to? He's usually playing music or watching TV...

I stood up off the sofa and walked towards Taemins room where he was fast asleep. I closed the door and walked back to the living room where I sat on the sofa and eventually fell asleep while playing on your phone.

"Taemin are you okay??"
"can you hear us"
"Taemin! Taemin don't close your eyes, wake up!"

"Minho? Wake up, you're sleep talking again" Taemin said while poking your cheek. "ah, you're awake"

"what time is it?" you asked, still half asleep.

"it's 6pm, they still aren't back yet, I got bored sat in bed" Taemin said as he sat beside me, leaning his head on my shoulder.

"They aren't back yet? They don't usually take this long" i asked as i looked on the TV.

"I'm too tired to think " Taemin asked while wrapping himself in a blanket.

After a few minutes we both started to watch some music videos 'She's in the rain' and 'Neverland'(Stan The Rose and Holland Bois) 👉🏻😁👉🏻

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