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"Chanyeol, has Baekhyun called you?" i asked while walking towards him.

"no. We just need to find them.. You check the right, I'll check on the left, call me if you find them." Chanyeol replied while walking away.

"I just hope they're OK.... Especially Taemin" i muttered as i turned on the flashlight on my phone and began to look around, i could hear a faint creaking noise as i looked.

Incoming call


Accept Decline

"I.. I found them" Chanyeol spoke through the phone.

"where! Where are you?" i asked while looking around.

"but.. You... You won't like this.." he sighed.

"chanyeol? What happened?" i asked

"Taemin.... He's... He's... Gone.." He said quietly through the phone, my eyes closed as i dropped my phone on the floor.


"Minho? Are you awake?"

"don't ignore me, I know you can hear me!"

"Minho wake up" i heard as i opened my eyes and saw Taemin hitting my shoulder.

"Taemin? You...what are you... You're okay?" i realised as i was looking around the room that i was dreaming the entire time.

"you were talking in your sleep, is everything okay?" Taemin asked.

"wait... What time did you get back..." i asked him while looking for my phone.

"only a few minutes ago, I came to see if you were awake after I got changed, why?" Taemin asked while passing me my phone.

"what were you dreaming about? You kept repeating something over and over, but I couldn't hear what it was" Taemin replied, sitting next to me.

"I don't want to talk about it..." i said as i saw that it was 2am.

"are Jonghyun, Jinki and Kibum asleep?" Taemin asked.

"um.. I think so...?" i responded.

"was everything OK with Baekhyun and the others" i asked

"yeah, we had fun, why?" Taemin asked poking your cheek.

"it's nothing, just asking..." you smiled slightly as the light turned on.

"will you two be quiet! Jonghyun and I are trying to sleep and all I can hear is you two talking" Kibum said angrily from the doorway while holding his pillow and a small plush of a cat.

"Sorry..." Taemin pouted.

"now, go to sleep, it's gone am! Or else santa won't come" Kibum laughed as he closed the door.

"I'm not a child Kibum!!" Taemin shouted back.

"Taemin, get some sleep, you'll be tired if you don't" i Replied while yawning and turning off the light.

"Fine" Taemin walked over and lay down on his bed.

I'm glad it was just a dream... I could never imagine losing you Taeminnie.. I thought to myself.

After a while Taemin fell asleep, i looked at your phone and saw it was 3:05 so i put my headphones in and listened to some music.

I'm losing sleep over you, I just want you to be safe.. You don't know how much I love you Minnie. I smiled and closed my eyes, a few minutes later something soft pressed my arm.

I turned on the light and saw That Taemin was asleep beside me with his head on my arm, i turned off my headphones and placed them on the table beside me and wrapped my arm around Taemin and soon fell asleep as well as him.

(edit, my mum now loves Minho and SHINee, it's a mission successful 😂👌🏻)


I woke up a few hours later and Taemin was still asleep beside me, as I reached across to get my phone you could hear Jonghyun walking down the hallway.

"Well, I'll see if Jinki is asleep first, then the other two, if they're all asleep, then I'll meet you in the kitchen, we will have around 40 minutes if we're quick" Jonghyun laughed as he walked past the door.

"What time is it..." Taemin asked as he yawned quietly.

"Taemin, Minho are you two awake?" Jonghyun asked from the door as he was opening it.

"y-" Taemin was about to answer as i cut him off by kissing him.

"Choi Minho!" Jonghyun shouted as he shut the door.

"uh, sorry, It was the only was to stop you from talking without hitting you with and object like a pillow or-" i was about to finish before Taemin kissed me back.

"One way to wake up in the morning" Taemin laughed quietly.

"wait... I forgot.." Taemin shot upright,"Get up!".

"what why?" I asked confused

"It's Christmas you idiot! I forgot!" Taemin bounced up and down around the room

"Oh yeah, that's probably why Jonghyun was checking if we were awake..." i laughed quietly.

Yeah.... Totally the reason..
Just talk loudly so they hear you coming down the hall damn it.

"c'mon it's already 9:43am, Jonghyun might steal all the presents" i said from the doorway as Taemin shot straight past me towards the living room.

"If you slip and fall on top of ANY of those presents Taemin, I will end you" Kibum spoke from the Kitchen.

"I take it Jinki is still asleep?" Jonghyun asked.

"am I invisible or something?" Jinki asked while sat on the sofa with a present in his hands.

"Yeah yeah! Less talking, there's a lot of presents here and I wanna open some!" Taemin smiled brightly as he looked at all the presents

"Yeah yeah! Less talking, there's a lot of presents here and I wanna open some!" Taemin smiled brightly as he looked at all the presents

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