Count Rezanov's Ballad (Translation, Figure Skating)

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by Andrei Voznesenski

From Modern Opera Juno and Avos' (Mayhap)

At sunrise, you'll wake me to walk me

all the way to the doors, barefooted.

You'll never forget me, and you will...

You'll never see me again.

It's too windy to blink away tears

Welling up in the soulful cherries.

You'll never forget me, and you will...

now, you'll never see me again.

Shielding you from the cold,

I'll reckon, "Almighty have mercy!

I'll never forget you, and I will...

I will never see you again."

Swinging uselessly under the heavens,

our words, reaching up, but in vain...

I will never see you again,

and I'll never forget you.

And this river in shivers from winter,

And these Admiralteystvo and Birzha

Now I will never forget them,

And I will... I will never see them again....

AN: I translated it because Andrei Mozalev skates his short program to it. And I like how he skates.

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