Short Stories

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I love writing short stories. Instead of posting each of them separately, I add them in as they come. They are fantasy, eerie, fluffy or sci-fi. The genre of each story is indicated in its title. 

James Scott Bell, author of the book How To Write Pulp Fiction, had once said:

Back in the days of the ten-cent pulp fiction magazines, many big-name authors REFUSED to submit stories to these magazines because of their own pride. They thought people should be paying more than a dime to read their "masterpieces." 

Almost 100 years later, we are seeing history repeat itself with the Internet. Many of the big-name writers are stuck in the mindset that they deserve a big fat paycheck for their work while many new writers just want ONE PERSON to read their material and they don't care if they are putting it out there for free as long as someone is reading it. 

They don't want to be famous. They just want to be read. They've got a story stuck inside their head. They need to get it out or else they will explode.

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