4. "The truth about my past"

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Everything hurt. Everything, every little piece of me. I tried to ignore the painful sting in my chest as I asked, "who was it?"

"We don't know," replied Mary. "It's an unsolved case to this day. It could've been a mermaid or a merman, or a very powerful wizard. There's also a theory that it was a vampire, but I don't believe this is true. It's just what the people assume."

"Why do they assume it? Does it have anything to do with how they died?" My voice got weaker at this point.

"Yes, but I think it's better if we safe you the details, darling."

"They are awful! If I had a stomach I'd throw up," said the talking skull.

"Shut it, Bernie," Mary scolded him.

"I want to know," I argued with the woman. "Please, Mary, you said you would answer all my questions." Never before had it been so important to me to learn something about my parents. I just didn't care, besides no one could answer my questions anyway. But know I had people who could give me answers and my curiosity had no limits.

"I found your parents bled out on the ground," started George and a tear rolled down his face. He was staring somewhere into the distance and seemed to be reliving the happenings of that day. I felt a shiver running down my spine.

"It was odd, because they didn't have a single stab wound. That night, your father brought you to us and asked us to take you to Earth and immediately hide you in a foster home. According to him, you were in great danger. He said if he wouldn't come back the next morning we shouldn't pick you up until you're old enough for the Magios Academy. I was confused about what he was saying and found his idea absurd. I wanted to help him solve whatever problem he had, but as stubborn as your dad was, he forbade me to come with him. Your safety had priority for him. It was more important to him than his own. We left you with Mrs. Gibson and when we got back to our world I went straight to your home. Unfortunately, time passes different in the sun-universe than in the moon-universe."

Just when I was about to ask what in the world George was saying, Mary enlightened me. "The universe where humans live is the sun-universe  and the moon-universe is this one. We have a name for every universe of which we know about."

"As I was saying," George continued,"time passes here different. It was already morning and your parents have been lifeless for hours...I knocked and knocked at their door but no one answered so I went to the backyard and looked through a window. Inside was a total mess, everything was trashed. Everywhere laid broken furniture and dishes. I discovered footprints in the mud that led from the yard to the forest behind your home. And there they were. Just a few feet away, under a tree. I called the police immediately and after an investigation they came to the conclusion that it was murder. No one understood why someone would do such a horrible thing to them. Your parents were good magios and there wasn't a single person that disliked them. The whole town grieved for your mom and dad."

I sat in silence for a while, processing everything I had just heard. "What were their names?" I finally asked.

"Evelyn and Alexander," replied George.

"Their friends called them Eve and Alex, but your dad had his own nickname for your mom. He called her Lynn. That's also your middle name," added Mary.

Mae Lynn Blackstone, daughter of Evelyn and Alexander Blackstone. It sounded nice...we sounded like a nice family.

Too bad I didn't have a single memory of my parents. Maybe Mary and George could tell me a little bit about them? It wouldn't be my memories but at least I would have any.

"How did you meet my mom and dad?" I asked and the mood eased a bit.

Eve and I went to kindergarten together. We were best friends and George and Alex were work colleagues. At the wedding of your parents, I met George for the first time and shortly after we became a couple. Since then the four of us spent every weekend together. We were like a family. Whenever we needed your parents they were there for us and vice versa." Memories seemed to flow through her mind as she smiled to herself and I couldn't help but smile too.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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