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I stood up and put my shirt on and handed Boris his.
"yeah sorry ill out in a minute."
"Ok just checking on you Harv you saw y/n,"
"She's in the grips restroom,"'
Boris said putting his shirt on. I hugged Boris my head nuzzled into his chest. The door shut.

"What's wrong?"
"I can't take it anymore,"
I whispered
"Take What?"
"Everything, I wish I could just disappear! I'm useless,"
I said sobbing.
"Don't say that," he took my
Chin with his finger made me look up at him.

"It's ok, you are the funniest, strongest, silliest, weirdest, hottest, cutest, the person in the world. Also, you are the most amazing person I know. Your smile can brighten up anyone's day. The world needs more people like you. You're so strong,
It's crazy how strong you are.
There so many people who wish they were as strong as you. You're also so wild, Not afraid to take chances, Like what just happened your not afraid of anything and also what going on your not afraid of skipping." he wiped
My tears.
"Let's go back and sit down and I love you," I smiled.
I loved his thick accent.
I hugged him tightly he hugged back. We walked off and walked it to the table.

The food was there we all ate I took Boris's hand. We talked and talked. We left finely left and
Went to the park and sat down. I laid in his lap and laid my head on his chest and remembered what Boris has told me I smiled and closed my eyes.

I fell asleep
I woke up they were all asleep against the building that leads to the bathroom. Boris has me in his arms leaned up against the wall his eye closed. I checked the time.
It was 1:45.

I kissed Boris on the lips he opened his eyes. And kissed back.
I broke the kiss
"We should get going, so we have a ride home,"
We both got up waking Theo and Alice.

"Let's go,"
He walked back to the school.
We got on the bus and sat
Down in the back.

"When we get back let's Go to Your house," I smiled
He looked at me. "Anything you
Want a princess."
I smiled and hid my face in his arm.

I looked at Alice who looks sad I sighed. If she's a true friend she'll understand that I can't help how much I love him.

We got back Alice didn't get off with us.
"Is she not coming with us?"
Boris asked.
"No, maybe she doesn't want too," I shrugged.
"Maybe she can't," Theo said.

We walked halfway.

Boris Pov: :0

I watched y/n she's so beautiful and amazing.

"Are we gonna hang out?" Theo asked.
"Can't, "I told him
"Why?" I pointed at y/n and make a gesture.

"Oh, tomorrow?" He asked
I nodded.
Theo began to walk home "have fun,"

I put my hands on her side and kissed her neck she looked at me and smiled. Her smiles melt my
Heart. I wish she understood how much she means to me.

I know all it seems is I want her for sex. It is an amazing part I do like that part but when I'm with her my heart pounds, my hands get sweaty and she makes me so happy. She cares.

Your pov:
I looked at him and smiled he looked nervous. I smiled and we walked into the house. We walked to his room. I laid on his bed. My stomach began to hurt really bad. He laid next to me.

"C-can we do this later my stomach hurts," I said pulling my knees to my chest the pain began to hurt more. The tears began to stream down my face.

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