"There's a jacket beside you." He said, "Take it. I think you need it more than I do." I looked to the side and saw a red and black flannel that Luke was talking about, laying on the seat. I contemplated whether or not to take it. I would be warmer but, it would show that I'm weak.

"Umm no." I said, declining his offer. "I don't want anything of yours. Especially, something with your scent."

"You are impossible, you know." He said, "I'm trying to be nice to you but, you always decline my offers." I laid back and shivered again. After contemplating whether or not to take the jacket, I decided I was cold and even though it reeked of Luke's stench, I took the jacket and wrapped it around myself.

"Luke, hurry up and park." Calum said, impatiently. "The bell has probably rang already.

"There's a parking spot over there." I said, pointing to the only parking spot open that I could see in the parking lot.

"Hunter, I don't need your help." He said, skipping the parking spot completely. God, he is so stubborn.

"Just find a friggin' parking spot." I said, laying back down the seat. "We are going to be here forever."

"Shut up. I'm trying to find a parking spot." He said, "I can't concentrate when you keep yapping back there."

"Luke, there's one right there." Calum suggested. "Although, thank you Emily for the suggestion, right Luke?"

"Thank you Calum." Luke said, emotionless, looking over at me through the mirror and parked into the spot Calum suggested. "No thank you Hunter."

"Are you kidding me!?" I yelled, "I showed you an open parking spot and you declined my offer."

"That parking spot I didn't like." He said, "It was too close to the other cars and it's not like you don't decline my offers."

"Calum lets go before I rip Hemmo's head off." I said, "Seriously."


"You're late, Ms. Hunter." Mrs. Harmond, the secretary, said. "This is the first time in your four years that you have ever been late."

"Yeah, I know." I said, "But, it's not my fault. You know Luke right? Yeah, it was definitely his fault."

"I've always liked you and Luke together. Even though the circumstances." She said and I raised an eyebrow. "Anyways, here's your schedule and late slip.

"Thank you." I said, as she handed over the papers that I needed.

"I'm probably going to be seeing Luke and Calum in a few minutes, am I?" She chuckled,

"Yes, you are." I said, letting out a little chuckle, "Thanks again." I walked out of the office and started running to my first class, Music. It was on the first floor, so I didn't have to run that far.

"Okay class you will be-" I heard the teacher muffle before I knocked on the door. I heard her pause and she spoke again. "The doors open." I opened the door walking into the class and saw that all eyes were staring at me. Of course they were.

"You're late." The teacher said, "That means detention after-school and you can pick an empty seat anywhere in the class."

I looked around and saw a couple of empty seats at the back beside a boy. I sat down in my seat beside the boy and took off my bag. "Hi, I'm Emily." I said to him, giving him a little wave as I sat down. I placed it on the ground unzipping it and taking out whatever I needed.

"Jake." He said, smiling. "Why were you late? I know it's none of my business and I'm just curious. I didn't want to bother you or anything."

"Nah, it's fine." I said, shrugging it off, "It's just that my...friends and I couldn't find a parking spot."

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