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Stevie was still sleeping when Karen and Aubree walked into the room. 

"Is Momma, okay?" Aubree asks.

"Yeah kiddo, Momma's okay, she had your baby sister last night. Would you like to meet her?" Lindsey questions.

"Yeah." Aubree nods.

Lindsey scoops her up in her arms and carries her over to the plastic crib. The baby was still swaddled but the little bonnet was still in the bed with Stevie. 

"Aubree this is your little sister Tenley." Lindsey grins.

"She's got hair like yours." Aubree points out.

"She has eyes like me too. But she looks just like you and momma. Would you like to hold her?" Lindsey asks. 

"Can I?" She questions.

"Yeah, sit in this chair and I'll get her for you, you have to hold real still though," Lindsey demands.

She just nods. Lindsey with the aid of pillows lets Aubree hold the baby and he takes several pictures. Eventually, Aubree gets bored and Lindsey hands the baby over to Karen. Aubree crawls onto her mother's hospital bed and Lindsey makes sure she's not on any of the wires before handing her the TV remote. While Aubree's occupied Lindsey pulls Karen aside. 

"Is she okay, like really okay?" Karen asks.

"She's fine...At least the doctor said she was fine. They had her getting a blood transfusion last night, I guess she lost a little bit more than she should've but she didn't hemorrhage so that's a good thing. It was so hard on her though. They almost had to take her back for a C-Section because she pushed for a good two and a half hours. Dr. Thompson said that it normally takes at most an hour. I don't know what was wrong but something was they resolved it though. But she was so tired. So tired." Lindsey looks to his wife.

"Well as long as she's okay..." Karen shrugs. 

"I'm okay." Comes from the bed and Lindsey and Karen turn around.

"How long have you been awake?" Lindsey asks.

"Blood transfusion." She says patting Aubree's hip. 

"Well, at least you're okay." Karen smiles. Walking the baby over to the hospital bed.

"Aubree, did you meet Tenley yet?" Stevie asks tickling Aubree's nose. 

"Yeah, Daddy let me hold her." Aubree grins at her mother. 

"What do you think?" Stevie questions.

"She's cute...Was I that little?" Aubree asks.

"No, you were littler," Stevie smirks situating the baby in her arms. 

A few moments later the baby started crying and Aubree started to panic.

"She's fine baby, she's just hungry." Lindsey chuckles making a bottle up for Stevie.

"Why's she crying?" Aubree asks.

"Sweetie, she doesn't know how to talk yet so until she knows how to talk like you, me, daddy, and Aunt Karen, she's going to cry when she wants something. You've just got to listen to figure out what she wants. This cry almost sounds like hiccups right?" Stevie asks.

"Kinda." She nods.

"So that means she's hungry. Would you like to help me feed her?" Stevie asks.

"Okay." Aubree sighs.

"Well, you don't have to." Stevie laughs.

"I kinda just want to sit here with you." Aubree shrugs.

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