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December 31, 1993

Lindsey and Stevie stepped out of their car and the flashes went crazy. Everyone was trying to get a glimpse of Stevie's bump but it was covered. It was still visible at certain angles but it was mostly camouflaged by her black peacoat that flared out at the waist and black dress pants. She had a pink scarf wrapped around her neck and leather gloves on.

As the night went on the couple were enjoying the concert in their own little world, Lindsey has his own personal section and as they were walking to his dressing room, they were stopped by the lady hosting the TV Special. 

"Look who I found, it's the Buckinghams. Stevie Nicks, Lindsey Buckingham it's great to see you." She says into the microphone.

"Great to be here and see everybody." Lindsey smiles. He's done press junkets like this a lot. 

"Stevie, I'm actually wearing one of your coats and dresses." She chuckles unbuttoning the red jacket that she was wearing.

"Me Too." Lindsey smiles.

"You too, you're wearing a Stevie Nicks coat?" She laughs.

"And pants, but look you are, It's one from my shop in downtown LA." She grins.

 "So, how are you feeling?" She inquires.

"I'm feeling great." She just smiles and Lindsey wraps his arm around her waist.

"Lindsey, you're doing four songs tonight-any indication of what songs you're going to sing?" 

"You'll have to wait and find out." He smiles.

"Did you guys have a great Christmas?" 

"We did, it was spectacular our whole family was there, we had fun." Stevie answers.

"So you're having another baby, are you guys thrilled, what are you guys most looking forward to?" 

"We were totally unexpecting it, but we are, we are so excited. I think what I'm looking the most forward to is seeing how our daughter interacts with the new baby." Stevie lays her hand on her belly. 

"Um, I think I'm mostly looking forward to just meeting him or her and getting to know them. Learn their personality, if they're going to like music things like that." Lindsey nods also placing his hand on Stevie's belly.

"You said him or her, are you guys not finding out the gender or have you not found out yet?" 

"We've not found out yet. We tried a few days ago but they weren't in the right position." Lindsey replies.

"This one is more towards my back than Aubree, and they just so happened to be facing my back," Stevie adds.

"Alright, we'll let you guys go so Lindsey you can get ready. We'll be back right after the break." 

She shakes Lindsey's hand and hugs Stevie before the couple makes their way to Lindsey's dressing trailer. 

Stevie watches from a heavily secured spot on the "floor" separate from the pit that's formed over the course of the night but still pretty close. Lindsey finishes his final song right before the sixty seconds hit and the security guards help Stevie up onto the stage and her husband wraps a clammy, arm around her and with the mic in his hand they count down. 











And as the ball drops Lindsey kisses Stevie and the crowd goes wild and flashes sprinkle the sky, not just because of the fireworks but because the way Lindsey and Stevie kiss her belly bump is clearly seen. 


They make it back to their hotel room around three in the morning and as soon as Stevie discards her coat and lays on the bed, she groans. "Lindsey take these boots off of me."

"Why did you wear them if you knew you were going to be standing all night?" He chuckles grabbing first at her right foot.

"I'm Stevie Nicks, I can't not be dressed fashionably." She groans as he starts kneading at her black nylon clad foot. 

"You're pregnant though." 

"I don't care. I still need to be well dressed." She sighs as he takes her other boot off and kneads at that foot too.

"You know Lindsey," She says after a moment.

"What?" He asks.

"I've only ever seen you perform on like award shows and tonight. I've never actually seen a full-fledged concert of yours." She says. 

"I know, which is why you'll be receiving a copy of Lindsey Buckingham live at Bass Performance Hall." He smirks.

"Smart Ass...not what I meant." She shakes her head.

"I know baby, now, let's get you out of these maternity dress pants and this really cute white cashmere sweater and let's go to bed." Lindsey walks over and kisses her.

"Yes, let's when do we check out?" She asks.

"The second and I've already chartered a plane for San Francisco." He strips out of his outfit, He didn't bother changing after his performance so he's wearing jeans a red teeshirt and a Stevie Nicks Blazer. 

Stevie does as well and takes her makeup off and the pair fall into blissful slumber together. 


The next morning, Stevie woke up first the constant urge to pee overcoming her and she was just sitting up in bed sketching when Lindsey stirred and eventually reached over and grabbed the TV Remote. 

It was quiet between the two of them, but it wasn't awkward it was comfortable. He briefly leaned up and kissed her lips but then he turned his attention back to the TV. Eventually, Stevie put her sketching away and slid back down into the sheets and rolled over wrapping her arms around her husband.

"Happy New Year. Let's let 1994 be a good year for us." She kisses his jaw.

"Do you know what we didn't do last night to ring in the new year?" Lindsey asks shifting them so Stevie's back was pressed to the bed and he was slightly hoovering over her.

"Lindsey it's two in the afternoon." She giggles.

"Who cares, the do not disturb sign is on the door." He smirks swooping down and kissing her.

"Alright...I'll give in, only because you're baby is making my hormones go all over the place." Stevie gives a curt nod with her head before Lindsey starts kissing his way down her body, paying a slight more attention to her bump as he slides her nightgown over her head. 

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