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June 1990

It was a particularly bad month. Stevie's forty-second birthday was fine, they were usually civil to each other on Birthday's and their anniversary..it would be twelve years in August, but it was the day after when it really got bad. 

The morning started out with Stevie rolling out of Lindsey's grasp. He was a good pillow, and if he wasn't useful for anything else...which he really wasn't...she could at least sleep comfortably on his chest. But as soon as she stood up she doubled over in pain. A pain that she had never felt before. She quickly called her gynecologist, even though it was Sunday she got special treatment because of who she was. The doctor said that it was most likely because Lindsey had bruised her cervix. That was great, especially because she was due for a brunch the following day and the doctor said she'd be hurting for a few days. 

Then to add to it, she had been told that she needed to expand her line. She really only made suits and gowns for award shows and all of her fashion cohorts said she wouldn't keep doing well. Simply because the media and styles were becoming more popular. So she had started designing women and men's "casual" clothes. Lindsey though suggested that she also make baby and children's clothing as well. 

It wasn't a secret to her that Lindsey wanted children. She, on the other hand, did not. He knew that as well. But as they were getting older his want was more prominent she will admit that she may have over-reacted but she really didn't want to make baby clothes. The sizing was jacked up and the patterns weren't anything like her normal style. 

"Gypsy" her line of "normal" clothes for women, was directed more at 70s boho. "Buckingham" was her men's line and it was designed very similarly to what Lindsey wears and wore when they first met. Which explains the name, and he willingly gave it over to her. It was her name as well for that matter so it wasn't as shocking as it could be. Her "Red Carpet" line was mostly chiffon for the women, but they were all custom made. Baby clothing was soft and cute with like little creatures on them and feet. Not Stevie's forte. 

But it was a bad month because, after the 27th, Lindsey slept in the guest room that blow out fight didn't even lead to sex like normal, not that she was complaining...she didn't think that her cervix could take more of a beating. But no matter how much they fight, they never sleep in separate bedrooms. Or separately for that matter, except when Lindsey is on tour. She was dependant on the man and knowing that he was in arm's reach but was off-limits killed her up until he left. 

It was also bad because it was the start of the fashion show season. She was due in New York, the home base being Los Angeles, that night. Lindsey was on tour, he left for Europe on the fifth and today was the 25th so she wasn't worried about him what she was worried about was the fact that she was feeling horrible. She was hot, dizzy, sticky, bloated, and every time she swallowed it tasted metallic and she felt like she was going to throw her spit back up. She hadn't even attempted to eat anything in fear of not keeping it down. 

Walking into her office, her assistant Karen was waiting for her. She's a young girl in her mid-twenties, and she was waiting patiently at Stevie's desk with a list of things for her to do in her hand. 

"Karen honey, I'm sorry I feel so sick. I'm not doing anything today except sketching." Stevie plops down in her desk chair. 

"Alright then, I'll cancel your meetings. Your flight to New York leaves tonight at nine." Karen smiles.

"No, I'm not going anywhere. I'll fly out when I'm feeling better. Can you let Margi know she's going at it alone tonight? I'll explain my reasoning to her. Have her come by or call me." Stevie places her head in her hands. 

Margi was her second hand. Her mentor. Right after design school, she interned with Margi and though they don't technically work together, they share an office building. Their storefronts are miles apart and the office building is like the midpoint. 

"I can tell her you'll be here all day. I'm assuming you're not going to the shop." Karen says.

"Exactly," Stevie blows out a puff of air. 


Stevie had her head on her desk when the phone rang. She whined but answered it anyway. 

"This is Stevie Nicks." 

"You're ditching me tonight," Margi states.

"Margi I feel so somewhere else right now and sick. I'm not going to attempt flying." Stevie shakes her head. 

"Well, I'll miss you. When do you think you'll be in New York?" Margi questions.

"When I feel better. But no matter what, I have to be there the weekend after the fourth because of that runway show." Stevie explains. 

"Are you pregnant?" Margi questions.

"Margi don't even go there." Stevie shakes her head.

"I'm serious. You and Lindsey fuck like rabbits." Margi replies. 

"But we also beat the shit out of each other while we fuck like rabbits. You know this, Margi I'm not pregnant. I would know if I was pregnant. " Stevie states.

"I'm just saying...I'll see you in a little bit." Margi laughs a little. 


When Stevie got home that night she simply just laid in her bed with her dogs, she wanted Lindsey home. There was a need for domesticity bubbling within her and she just simply wanted Lindsey. 

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