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Jeff's funeral wasn't ambushed by the press but there was a hefty number of paparazzi there and afterward, still dressed in their funeral garb they were sitting in Ruth's living room eating pizza and watching the news. Cory was curled up next to Stevie and she had fallen asleep as soon as the pizza was gone.

"Gregory Fenton Buckingham, Olympic Silver Medalist from the 1968 Olympics was laid to rest today at Holyoak cemetery.  He passed away on Sunday due to an aggressive heart attack. It's no secret that heart disease runs in the Buckingham family as Greg's brother rock icon Lindsey Buckingham, said back in 1978 when he married Fashion Icon Stevie Nicks that the only thing he wished they would've done differently with their minimally publicized wedding was that he wished his father could've been there but he passed away from presumably the same heart attack that Greg did, four years prior in 1974. Lindsey and Stevie who announced the impending arrival of their baby just last month were both in attendance at the funeral. Have a good night." The announcer says as Ruth turns the TV off. 

"Well, at least they only put a picture of you two out there." Ruth sighs.

The picture they had flashed was Stevie holding Lindsey's hand, Lindsey was wearing a black suit with a gray shirt and a black tie his sunglasses perched on his face. Stevie had on a plain black dress that molded around her baby bump with three quarter length sleeves and a boxy neckline. She was also wearing her sunglasses and black lacy gloves. 

"Yeah, that's a good thing." Lindsey sighs. 

"Anne, Jeff why don't you just leave her here tonight." Ruth points to the toddler using Stevie's bump as a pillow.

"I think that's a good idea. We're coming for brunch tomorrow anyway But where will she sleep? You use my old room as a storage room and dad turned Greg's old room into an office, even though he only got to use it for like two years." Jeff asks.

"She can sleep with us." Lindsey smiles at Stevie and the little girl.

"Or me." Ruth points out.

"That's sweet mom, but she's going to want to sleep with Aunt Stevie," Claudia smirks. She had been quiet up until that point, but everyone understood why and they weren't going to question it. 

"Claudia you've been thinking hard about something." Stevie finally says.

"I um...ugh, do you think you could make me some maternity clothes too?" Claudia asks.

"Really?" Ruth gasps.

"I took a test this morning. I can't be that far along...I just knew that I missed a period. I'm scared though because I'm 45 and Greg's not here. But he gave me one last gift and I can't...I can't like get rid of it."Claudia cries.

"Claudia, I thought the same thing." Stevie sighs.

"What?" She asks.

"I'm 42. I'm just as high up there as you are. Lindsey's gone for two years at a time. I thought about termination too...but they told me what they did during the termination and I just sucked it up and said well I'm going to have to get used to taking care of a child by myself for two years at a time." Stevie shrugs. 

"I've always wondered what they do during an abortion," Anne admits.

"Do you want me to tell you, I still have dreams about it." Stevie states.

"Sure. I'm curious too." Ruth chuckles. 

"Well they told me that before I even attempted abortion I had to talk to my husband, but then they said that there are three options. A saline injection, where they inject a saline solution into your stomach and you're hospitalized and it's deliberate miscarriage. Option two was where they'd inject your cervix with an anesthetic-the doctor told me this one would be moderately painful then you know how you dilate during labor...well, they'd do that for you...they'd physically dilate your cervix then vacuum everything out. The final option was they'd put you out and do the same thing they would for option two except they wouldn't numb your cervix because you'd be like out cold right...but then they'd dismember the fetus and scrape out your uterine lining. She said that one was the most painful which is why they knocked you out." Stevie explains.

"That got really dark, really fast..." Lindsey interjects. 

"I went home and cried literally," Stevie says rubbing Cory's back. 

"No, I definitely can't do that...so how about those clothes?" Claudia slightly laughs.

"Of course, and when you find out what you're having I'll start working on some baby clothing." Stevie grins. 

"Part of me, really hopes it's a boy." Claudia states.

"I could've sworn I was having a girl in August. Found out that as a matter of fact, I was having a girl on October 1st." Stevie explains. 

"I knew I was having boys. Back then though they didn't have the ultrasounds they do now so I never got to find out, but I knew." Ruth explains. 

"Guys I'm really scared," Claudia says again tears welling in her eyes.

"Honey, we'll help you." Ruth coos taking her into her arms and just lets Claudia cry. 


As they were getting situated in bed, Cory between them, Stevie turns to Lindsey. 

"Lindsey, can we stay here through Thanksgiving?" 

"You, know I was literally going to ask you the same thing." He smiles leaning over his niece to kiss his wife's lips.

"I'll have to go back to California and get my stuff...I just can't stop working but I kind of want to spend Thanksgiving with your family. And we'll do Christmas. Pay our families' ways." Stevie says. 

"I think that's a good idea. What are you going to tell your parents though?" Lindsey asks. 

"They'll understand. I'll call them in the morning." Stevie cuddles into her pillows and her niece and closes her eyes. 


The next morning, Stevie wakes up with the urgent urge to pee, it's what happened most days considering her baby uses her bladder as a trampoline. After she does her business, she checks the time and heads downstairs to call her family. 

She's talking to her mother when Cory runs into the living room. She's heading right for Stevie so she uncrosses her legs, and the little child runs right between them. Stevie goes to pull her onto the lap when Cory starts kissing her belly over her nightgown. 

"Um mom, I've got to go. Cory, Jeff's daughter just woke up." Stevie explains.

They say goodbye and Stevie hangs up the phone and leans back in the chair and lets Cory love on her belly. 

"Cory, what should Uncle Lindsey and I name your cousin?" Stevie asks.

"Peanuts," She grins. 

"No...we're not going to name her peanuts...peanut." Stevie chuckles 

"What are we talking about?" Lindsey asks coming into the room. Cory probably woke him up when she woke up.

"Cory thinks we should name our baby peanuts," Stevie explains as Cory looks back and smiles at her Uncle.

"I'm partial to the name Lynn." Lindsey collects Cory into his arms. 

"That's my name." Stevie states.

"No, it's not, your name is Stevie." Cory answers. 

"It's my second name. Stevie Lynn." Stevie tells her. 

"Ohh..." Cory states. 

"So, they can have the same second name as their mother," Lindsey states handing Cory the TV remote. 

"Aubree Lynn," Stevie says standing up and kissing Lindsey before making her way to the kitchen. 

"Perfect baby." Lindsey calls. 

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