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August 17, 1990

As the end of August was coming and the MTV music awards were close at hand she had finished Lindsey's suit and it was kept in a suit bag in his closet. It's what she did with all of his award show wear and when it was done and over with and he was sick of wearing a piece of it, it went into a shared vault with her old dresses and stuff. 

"So, no abortion I see...would you like me to give you stuff about adoption?" Dr. Thompson asks walking into the exam room.

"No...I'll learn to love this creature right?" Stevie bites her lip looking at the doctor.

"I"ll tell you what, I have four of my own and every time I gave birth and held them for the first time I felt an unspeakable love." Dr. Thompson sits on the stool and puts her gloves on. 

"I hope so. Now, I really have to pee so can we get a move on?" Stevie sighs 

"Well, can I have you lay back and lift your blouse?" She asks.

Stevie does as she's told and she slightly jumps when the cool gel hits her stomach. 

"Alright, here we go." The doctor smiles pressing a button and a loud quick thumb fills the room. 

"Oh wow," Stevie says her hand falling to her chest.

"That's your baby's heartbeat. 165 beats per minute, a perfect middle ground. Would you like pictures?" The doctor asks.

"Does it look like something now?" Stevie questions. 

The doctor chuckles and turns the screen.

"Oh, it looks like a little alien." Stevie states.

"In a way, yeah I guess you could say that." The doctor grins. 

"Sure...I'll take some pictures." Stevie nods. 

"Alright, I'm going to wipe your stomach. Then I'm going to feel around and make sure everything feels okay. It looks okay on the ultrasound but I want to gauge where your uterus is at and if it's growing properly. That may feel slightly uncomfortable because you need to pee." 

"It doesn't always?" Stevie asks.

"Well, there are medical reasons. Too much amniotic fluid makes it larger than it should be, not enough amniotic fluid, now that could threaten your baby but it does happen." The doctor nods.

Stevie grimaces when the doctor feels around her stomach, there's just a lot of pressure and she really does have to pee. Once she's given the okay, she books it to the bathroom and then sets up another appointment.  


As she was looking at her calendar on her desk at work she was quickly realizing how quickly time was flying by. She was finally starting to feel a little bit better. She was still really tired and occasionally dizzy but she wasn't throwing up anymore and she was back to eating what she normally did. The thing that was kicking her though was the lack of coffee in her diet. Karen is the only one that knows of her pregnancy and she's hoping it stays that way until she can tell Lindsey. He's in Japan which means that there's virtually no contact between them. Hotel's, Numbers and Languages are all jacked up. 

"Boss, you're four-thirty is here." Karen peeks her head in.

"Oh, which one is that?" Stevie questions.

"Fitting, Madonna." 

"Ugh...alright," Stevie sighs standing up and grabbing at her materials before making her way to the fitting room she was in. 

It wasn't that she hated Madonna, she just thought the girl was a little too young and stripper like for her taste. But she wasn't going to stop designing for her because it was good money.


Her workday was coming to an end and she was trying to figure out a creative way to tell Lindsey she was pregnant. Getting in her car she detoured to downtown Los Angeles. There were several baby boutiques still open and as she was walking through them she was making faces. Some onesies weren't bad, others were so ugly they were making her head hurt. 

When she got back home she sat down in the living room on their giant leather couch with a sketchpad on her lap. She was doing exactly what Lindsey had suggested the day after her birthday and she was pouting. She had proved him right. The baby clothes on the racks now weren't the best looking baby clothes. 

As she was thinking about it, she deduced that she was most likely going to give birth sometime in February. With that in mind, she started drawing. By midnight she had sketch after sketch laid out infront of her on the coffee table, what was concerning to her though, was that she was drawing mostly little girl clothes. Biting her lip she knew that she couldn't really make any female clothing until she found out the gender, but she could at least make some of the gender-neutral sleepers. 

She didn't have any fabric in mind for them yet, but she had soft, fuzzy, and warm written on all of them. 


The next day after work she found herself at the craft store looking at the fabrics. After spending maybe 500 dollars on fabric alone she called Karen and informed her that she wasn't going to be in the following day and she got to work. 

It was ten the next morning and she smiled to herself looking at what she had laid out infront of her. There was one sleeper with black and white stripes on it and a blue and black elephant patch was sewn onto the front of it. Just a plain black one. One with yellow cuffs and a collar on it with sheep moon, and clouds on white fabric. There was one with grey and white stripes with a sloth and it's baby on the front, another patch she was able to find. She also made a white one with black bears on it. She grinned at the little onesies and then she even picked up the elephant one and laid it against her stomach. 

"Well little one, I hope this fits you. But if it doesn't that's alright, I'll make you some more." Stevie speaks to her stomach. 

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