Chapter 10

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'Dad, it hurts. Bad.' Charlotte tries not to cry.

'I know sweetie.' Lucas strokes her head.

'I'll go and get the stair chair and call it in.' Travis who is on aid car with Ben says before running off.

'We're gonna get you sorted, Charlie.' Ben assures the young girl. 'Just don't go fainting on us.'

'I think it's a bit late for that.' Charlotte laughs weakly as her eyes start to close.

'Charlie.' Lucas gently shakes her.

'Let's get her on the floor.' Lucas and Ben carefully lay her on the floor. Ben gently presses onto her abdomen to check for tenderness. As soon as he presses on the centre of her abdomen, Charlotte takes a sharp intake of breath.

'She's responding to pain. That's good.' Ben nods. 'Centre of her abdomen is tender. That's not so good.' He shakes his head.

'What could it mean?' Lucas asks.

'My best guess?' Ben starts. 'Gallstones,' he adds, 'but it could be a number of different things.' Travis then returns with the stair chair just as Charlotte regains consciousness.

'Grey-Sloan are expecting us.' Travis informs them. 'Charlie, we're going to get you into this stair chair.' Charlotte nods. They wait a couple of minutes before helping Charlotte onto the stair chair. She groans in pain as they move her. 

'Take it easy.' Lucas tells her. They strap her into the stair chair and take her down to the aid car. Once they've got her on the gurney in the aid car Travis hooks her up to the monitors and inserts a cannula into her hand. 

'Do you have any allergies?' Ben asks Charlotte.

'No.' Charlotte shakes her head. Ben looks at Travis.

'Let's give her some morphine.' Ben tells Travis. Travis nods and gets a syringe of morphine out of the cupboard. He opens the packet, unsheathes the needle and inserts it into the cannula tap. He pushes the medication through before putting the needle in the sharps bin. 

'Hopefully, that will kick in soon.' Travis tells Charlotte. 

'It better.' Charlotte laughs through gritted teeth. 

'Let's go.' Ben states. He looks at Lucas. 'Are you riding with us.' 

'I'll follow in my car.' Lucas replies. 

'I'll drive.' Travis tells Ben as he jumps out of the aid car, closes the door and runs to the cabin. 

'Let me know what they say.' Sullivan tells his friend. Lucas nods and runs out to his SFD car. He gets in and puts his sirens on. The aid car pulls out, lights and sirens blaring and Lucas follows it to Grey-Sloan. 


Arriving at Grey-Sloan, Meredith, Miranda and Carina are all waiting for them. As the aid-car comes to a halt, Miranda opens the door and Ben jumps out. Lucas parks up, gets out of his car and runs up to them.

'Ben, what have we got?' Miranda asks her husband. Travis runs around and helps Ben with the gurney. 

'Charlotte Granger, she prefers to be called Charlie, she's seventeen.' Ben starts as they wheel her into the pit. 'Sudden onset of abdominal pain. She has a history of endometriosis. We're not sure whether the pain is from that or something else. We've administered Morphine which seems to have kicked in.' 

'Pulse is faint and tachy at 130, BP is 108/75, temp is 101, resps 20, GCS 15.' Travis runs down her vital signs as they wheel her into a bay and help her over to the bed. There is an ultrasound machine already set up and waiting for the doctors. Travis and Ben step back as the three doctors examine Charlotte.

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