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We go home tomorrow and today the kids will be coming to meet their siblings for the first time, Toni will be bringing them since they have been staying with her since we've been here.

"Baby..." Icelyn says as she wakes up. "Baby.." She said again. "Yes." She opened her eyes and smiled at me. "Good morning Janet." I walked over to her and kissed her forehead. "Hey baby, how did you sleep?"

"Best sleep I've had in nine months. How about you?"

"Uh I didn't sleep actually, just a lot of thinking and praying."

"About?" I shook my head no and the door to the room opened and Toni and the kid's came walking in. "Hey mama!" They all said and ran over to Icelyn hugging her. "Hey my beautiful babies."

"Uh what happened to you mama?" Syx asked Icelyn with a scrunched up face. "She had the babies that's what happened, so no more mood swings." Jaelyn answered.

"So we finally got our mama back?" Jaliyah asked leaning against the end of the bed. "No I highly doubt we got her back that fast."

"You know who hasn't changed and who you guys completely ignored and forgot about?" I asked and everyone snapped their heads to look at me. "Oh hey ma we didn't see you right there." Seven said and walked over to hug me.

"It's okay you guys are just excited."

"Speaking of which where are the children?" Toni asked. "The nurses should be bringing them back anytime soon, they came to get them like twenty minutes ago." As soon as I said that the nurses came walking in.

"Good afternoon everyone, Sky and Jayden are doing absolutely wonderful and should be able to go home today actually, we'll be back in about a hour to let you know if you guys can leave today or not." They left out of the room and the kids were all over the babies.

"They are so cute they look just like me." Jaylah said as she played with Jayden's hand. "Please don't wish that on him." Jaylah sucked her teeth and pushed Jaliyah. "You always got something to say why don't you just shut up."

"Because last time I checked this was my mouth and I had control over it."

"Aye shut it! We are in public people can here you guys and will start recording so please stop it." I said walking over to them. "I thought you guys came here to see the babies not act like asses."

"Janet! Calm down they're just playing." Everyone turned to look at Icelyn with faces of fear and confusion. I walked over to her and touched her forehead to see if she had a fever. "Stop Janet I'm not sick." She laughed as she threw my hand off.

"You have to be something for you to say something like that."

"I'm just happy is all. I finally have a family of my own."

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