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Oh shoot. I knew Janet had a man but I didn't know she had his baby, but that's not the real problem... where is this baby? Janet and Icelyn were just staring at each other until Icelyn started laughing uncontrollably.

"Wow Janet that's a great joke because we all know if you had a kid it would be here right now. Seriously what was the agreement that you guys had?"

"Does it look like I'm laughing? I'm so serious right now. I had his baby he just lives with his dad." I'm confused as to why he lives in London with his dad when we live in the states and Janet never leaves she's always here. Not only that he lives with his dad that used to beat on Janet so no telling what he's doing to the little boy.

"Why would you let him live with him after he beat you Janet? That's not the smartest that baby could be dead now."

"Toni please stop this is all your fault as to why all of this is happening okay? Now his dad would never lay a hand on him he told me himself."

"Just like he promised he'd never hit you? And how could all of this be my fault? I never laid down with the man and had a baby and didn't say anything. Janet how could you let him take him that's your son too? Not only that you need to call and check on him I'm pretty sure you never make an effort to call him."

"HE IS FINE OKAY!" Janet stormed up the stairs to her room and slammed her door. "Well damn that wasn't expected." Icelyn looked at me shook her head and she left the house, I followed right behind her because the house was toxic and I didn't have the time for it.

When I got in the car I called Trina back. "T you would not believe the amount of stuff that just happened from the time we hung up until now."


I was in complete shock from Janet's secrets being exposed but I couldn't really be upset because we weren't together but the baby through me off. Not only did she have his baby but she let him live with him after being abused by the same man. Hopefully the baby is okay but I know if he's old enough to understand the absence of his mother he'll hate Janet for as long as he lives because she was never there. I drove back to Toni's to take a nap because I emotionally, physically, and mentally drained. Before I could lay down Seven called me.

"Hello baby wassup?"

"Hey ma I have something to tell you but I don't think you're going to like it very much."

"Just tell me I'm about to go to sleep."

"Well Imani's pregnant and I think she's going to keep it... well I'm not sure we haven't really talked about it but I needed to tell you because her parents want all of us to get together and have the conversation later today or tomorrow if your not busy." I had forgotten all about my possible grandchild but I'm glad she told her parents and Seven because that would've been ugly.

"Okay Seven we can talk tomorrow. You coming home today or you staying there tonight?"

"I'll probably stay here give you a break because it sounds like your day was hard ma." I laughed. "Baby you don't even know the half, tomorrow after that meeting we need to have another one with your sisters here at Toni's house, we have to talk."

"About what?" I took a long pause before I answered. "There are some very important things I need to tell you about that I should've told you sooner."

"Ard ma i'll text you later, I love you."

"Love you too."

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