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I was on the way home with Toni after the interview and I was feeling really good because we finally let the world know that I was her daughter. We had stopped for dinner and I brought Janet some food home because I know she would be hungry when I got home.

"Ice you feeling good? Your feet don't hurt or nothing?"

"No i'm great.... for now you know as soon as I walk into the house everything is going to change. You speak to Bryan today?"

"I hate when you call him that, but yeah he was actually at the studio today I thought you saw him."

"No I didn't see him he been ducking me out for a while now. He don't like pregnant people or something? He think we contagious?" I laughed and so did Toni. "Shut up you're so silly but I don't know he been distant from everyone lately including me I'm surprised he was at the studio today." Distant? That sounded a little suspicious but that's not my man to check so I left it alone. We pulled up at my house and I noticed it was darker then usual.

"Thanks Toni i'll talk to you later." I walked into the house and the energy was off. The lights were off everywhere and it was quiet too quiet. "Janet!" I got no answer but I knew she was here because her car was in the driveway. I walked upstairs into our bedroom and noticed the bathroom light was on. "Janet?" She was bent over the counter.

"Oh hey baby. How was your interview? I didn't get a chance to watch it yet." I squinted my eyes at her because something wasn't right, she wasn't telling me something. "It was good, the baby acted right and I didn't say anything that would have people thinking we are back together."

"Oh that's good." She turned the light off and went to go sit on the bed. "Icelyn I have to tell you something and I think you need to sit down for it." I walked over to my side of the bed and sat down with my back facing away from her. "What is it Jay?" She took a deep breathe before she spoke again.

"Its about Candice baby." I still was facing away from her but I felt the bed dip as if she was facing my back. "She passed baby...i'm so sorry."


The hospital called here for Icelyn while she was at the interview to tell her that she had passed. She died in her sleep peacefully, but how do you tell her daughter that she died peacefully? Icelyn can hold a lot of emotions in but because she's pregnant its hard telling her because I fear she could make a turn for the worse.

"Baby?" There was no answer. The house was more silent then before Icelyn came home I couldn't even hear her breathe. "Talk to me baby." I touched her shoulder and she stood up. She walked over to the window and just stood there for a minute.

"She's the reason I'm still alive right now. She's the reason I want to be a better mother for our kids and a better wife for you. She taught me so many things and treated me like I was a child that came out of her womb. You know she could never have kids and because Toni couldn't take care of her responsibility I gave her the title of a mother, which is all she ever wanted to be. I don't think I have ever felt a pain like this Janet.... it hurts, it hurts." I walked over to her and held her as she slide down the wall so she wouldn't hurt herself.

"I know baby but it gets better, I promise."

"How? She won't ever come back. I can never tell her I love her again and she won't be here for the birth of our child."

"She won't be here physically but she will be here." We stayed in the same position for an hour before I realized she was sleep. I picked her up and put her in the bed, luckily she had already ate so she could sleep for the rest of the night. I got in bed and tried to go to sleep but my phone rang.

"Hey Seven try not to be so loud you mother is sleeping."

"Okay I was just calling because I needed to talk with someone."

"Hold up let me go into the bathroom." I got up walked into the bathroom and closed the door. "Okay what's up?" He took a deep breathe before he spoke. "Its about Imani." I rolled my eyes at the sound of her name, nothing but trouble.

"Yeah what about her?"

"Well as you know she's pregnant and keeping the baby, but I feel like she's only keeping it to make me happy. I love her so much I don't want to hurt her or her future by keeping something she doesn't want."

"Its too late for that Sev."

"What do you mean?"

"She made her mind up, she already fell in love with the idea of the baby and you guys being a family, so it's too late babe, but you'll be fine I promise." My phone started vibrating meaning someone was trying to call me. "Seven we'll talk when you get home someones calling me." We hung up and I answered for Toni.

"Hey Toni, you feeling okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine surprisingly, I'm calling to check on Icelyn I know she's taking the news really hard."

"She um actually did better than expected she's sleeping right now it'll only get worse though." Toni chuckled. "Yeah I know especially since she's pregnant."

"Yeah I know, which scares me she's only six months we don't need a premature baby."

"No we don't, did you guys tell the kids yet?"

"No but they'll know soon enough, so much is happening we don't have a chance to, from Candice to Seven life is falling apart."

"Seven? What's up with him?"

"Oh you don't know? He got Imani pregnant and she was going to get an abortion and Ice was going to go with her but she changed her mind because she wanted to make Seven happy so now she's having the baby and now Seven feels like he's hurting her future because she never wanted kids. It's just a mess and stressing the hell outta me."

"He still alive?"

"Icelyn's cool with it, but I called it before it happened. How can you ask if he's alive when you had a baby and kept it a secret... let's not go there thank you."


"That's Icelyn I have to go bye Toni." I ran out of the bathroom and over to Icelyn. "Yes baby?" She pulled me in the bed. "I can't sleep without you and Fyve is kicking the hell out of me." I laughed and turned to face her. "That is not the baby's name Ice."

"Yes it is Fyve Naomi Jackson for a girl and Fyve Syx Seven Jackson for a boy. Just kidding just kidding." Icelyn was out of her mind if she thought she was naming the baby a number. "Fyve Alexander Jackson for a boy."

"No baby no number." She rolled her eyes. "How about Candice for a girl and Eissa for a boy?" My heart dropped at the name Eissa, how did she know? "Don't worry about how I found out."

"Stay out of my thoughts."

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