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"Today we have living legend Toni Braxton in today for an exclusive interview." The audience erupted into cheers. "Yeah I know I'm so excited for this, let's bring her out!" Toni walked out and ran over to hug Keke.

"It's been so long since I've seen you oh my god your a woman now! With your own talk show i'm proud."

"Aww thank you! Now we are here to talk about you and I'm excited to get into it. How are your kids? Are you still cool with Janet? Are you married? What's happening? It's sooo much to get into, make sure you guys stay tuned for when we come back hopefully she'll answer all of our questions." They went on a commercial break and Toni ran to the side to make sure Icelyn was ready and hidden properly.

"You good? You need any water or food?"

"Toni I'm good calm down."

"It's your first television appearance ever I'm making sure your good and comfortable and make sure you walk right no wobbling." Icelyn laughed.

"I am six months pregnant but i'll try my best that's why I have on these heels. You need to get back out there they start in 60 seconds Toni." Toni ran back on stage and caught her breath.

"We are back with The Living Legend Toni Braxton who's here to spill the tea on her life because it's been too long. Where do I begin uh Toni how have you been?"

"I've been great living life with my husband and my sons are doing great as well." Toni crossed her legs at the ankles and rubbed her knees. "I actually brought someone with me if you don't mind me bringing them out." Keke shook her head. "Any friend of yours is a friend of mine feel free." Toni walked to go get Icelyn.

"You ready?" Icelyn shook her head and grabbed Toni's hand. They walked back out on stage and took a seat on the couch.

"I know you from somewhere." Icelyn laughed. "I know you too but from where?" Keke stared for a while until she finally got it.

"JANET!" The crowd gasped. "Yes, yes you're her ex-wife. How have you been."

"I've been great getting by living life."

"That's great but Toni why did you bring your bestfriend's ex-wife with you?"

"Well this is an exclusive interview right? So I brought someone you can get some good tea from. You can ask her any question i'm pretty sure she'd love to answer." Icelyn nodded her head and adjusted herself in the seat.

"Okayyy! Well Icelyn you care to share how your relationship with Janet started."

"Sure, when I was about seventeen I went through something really bad and I had met Janet through Toni. Fans all over the world say Janet inspires them through her music but having just one conversation with her is life changing and she helped me through something without even knowing and we become close friends."

"Aww that's cute! But I see you said seventeen you started dating at seventeen or?"

"Oh no we didn't start dating until I was twenty turning twenty one. We got married when I was twenty two turning twenty three. So we were together seven years in total." Icelyn laughed at the coincidence of the years.

"In those seven years what did Janet do that made you the happiest?" It took no time for her to answer. "Hands down no doubt when she had my child." Icelyn smiled after she said that.

"Y'all don't know how crazy that day was from the morning to the evening."

"Toni you weren't even there at the end. The end was hell. Let me tell y'all it was the day of The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ceremony, so we woke up early to get ourselves together and we had got our makeup done in separate rooms on separate floors. She had top I had bottom and she was fine until I heard that scream-." Toni cut her off.

"No ma'am your lying she was not fine I was upstairs with her the entire time and she was in pain and screaming all day you just so happened to hear her worst scream."

"Yeah whatever I ran upstairs and when I got there I thought she was going into to labor no she was screaming at who was doing her makeup. Toni pulled me into the hallway and cussed me out because Janet was being a pain in her ass."

"Wait all of this happened on the day you guys came out as married and pregnant?"

"Yes she went into labor that day she was having contractions the whole day at the ceremony, in the car, and home. When we got home she tried to go to sleep but that didn't work. Janet loves to play so she would say she was going into labor all the time so the day she really was I didn't believe her. Until her water broke." The audience and Keke laughed.

"I kid you not I delivered the baby well babies."

"Babies as in more than one? Wow, congratulations!"

"Yeah you guys have seen them out and about just not with Janet or if they were you thought they were nieces. Oh and I brought them out on stage when they were younger."

"Okay this is piping hot tea that is about to rap up the episode for today."

"No actually I have one more thing to say." Toni said as she stood up. "Oh no your not pregnant are you?" Keke asked and everyone laughed.

"Something like that... I have a confession, Icelyn isn't just someone i've known since she was a baby she's my daughter." The audience all gasped and screamed.

"Well that's a wrap for this exclusive interview with Toni Braxton! If you weren't here today you sure missed out on the tea, i'll catch you guys tomorrow see ya!"

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