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It was two days after the baby shower and I was on my way to lunch with Amber when Caché called me.

"HEYY, BITCH! What you doing?" She screamed and luckily my phone was connected to the car because she was loud as hell. "I'm going to lunch with Amber."

"Really? Why for? You definitely didn't ask if I wanted to go on a lunch date when just two nights ago you were crying saying I missed you."


"Your hormones made you not ask me to go out? I'm lost."

"No that's why I was crying over your ugly ass."

"Wow okay great, don't call me when yo ass goes into labor." She hung up and I pulled into the parking lot and noticed Amber sitting at a booth on her phone and from here she looked good. I got out of the car and went to the table.

"You look good Ice." She said biting her lip. "So do you but Amber I'm married and you know that so keep your hands and lips to yourself." She laughed at me and helped me sit down in my seat.

" She laughed at me and helped me sit down in my seat

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 "I'm serious I know exactly how you work I was your first

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"I'm serious I know exactly how you work I was your first."

"And I was your first they say you never forget your first."

"Yeah I know it's true for me is it for you?"

"I'm here aren't I? Anyway how's life? Besides from what we can see on the internet." I chuckled and picked up my menu. "It's great, you know I've always wanted to be a mom and now I finally am to almost seven kids, you know also having marital problems just like everybody else, but I'm great can't complain how about you?"

"I'm doing great and so is my business, but I'm doing even better since I get to see you again." I rolled my eyes. "Still corny I see, but that's great. The outfit you're wearing or lack there of is yours?"

"Yeah its mine and you never had a problem with stuff like this before what changed?" Held up my hand with the ring on it. "I got married that's what happened."

"Ah I see and that lil video she posted yesterday was cute. Whose idea was that?" Janet released the video of our baby shower yesterday which was also the way we came back out as married to the world. "Couldn't have been mine the whole thing was a surprise remember."

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