Disappointment, Makeover, and Hope

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, she's right here." I put the phone on speaker. "Go for it."  

"Okay guys, do you recall anything on the news about the Dominican Republic Family Murderer?" Karen asked us. 

"Yeah. That was crazy.. Wasn't that four years ago?" Bella looked at me and then back around.  

"Yes. A few months ago, the tiny survivor was brought to America for adoption. Unfortunately, that family no longer wanted her and now we need a home for her." She sighed. "Now, it's a tough choice when it comes to this little girl. Back in the Dominican Republic, where she was raised, she witnessed the shooting and death of her parents and her siblings. She still remembers it all. The doctors there said she was disabled, but for us here, she's delayed. She doesn't speak at all, and she's very fragile.. Micheal's in the other room trying to get her to stop crying. I was, well, we were wondering if you wanted to go with this adoption?"  

          Bella jumped off my lap and squealed. She nodded her head to me and I laughed. "Yeah, of course."  

"You're up for the 'challenge', I see. This is great!" She started laughing. "Thanks guys. I'll call you later for anything else."  

"Okay, bye Karen." I hung up and Bella was dancing everywhere. "Calm down, love." I laughed. "You're gonna get dizzy."  

"Yeah, but if we do this adoption, we'll actually get a baby we can keep." She says, running into my arms. She started laughing with me and then I picked her up and spun her around. After I put her down, I kissed her. She kissed me back and I pulled her close to me. She moaned as I kissed her neck and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I walked upstairs, still carrying and kissing my wife, and I placed her on the bed and got on top of her.

Time: 7:35 PM

          I laid in bed, staring at my beautiful wife. She stared back at me and then she put her head on my chest. She put her leg on me and I stroked it. She was still panting. I kissed her head and we made love two more times that night.

Date: July 20, 2011 

Time: 1:23 PM

          I sat at the table, signing the papers. Bella was next to me, doing the same. I moved my hand to her leg and she put her hand on top of mine and I glanced and saw her blushing. I moved my hand to her back and she put her pen down and I did too. She smiled at me and then I smiled at her. She was blushing, and then she got up and sat on my lap. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I bent down and kissed her softly. She kissed back, our lips moving together perfectly. Then she pulled away and rested her head on my shoulder. I rubbed her back and looked up as Karen and Michael walked in. 

"I can see you two are done..." Karen says, taking the papers. "Alright, now that this is done, it's gonna be a little bit before you can meet her. So, I want you two to go home and make room for your new addition."

Time: 5:34 PM

"Thanks for coming over guys." I say to Rosalie, Alice, and Jacob.  

"No problem." Jake says, giving me a man hug.  

"I'm so excited for you guys!" Alice says, smiling.  

"Help me get the stuff out the truck?" I asked Jake. He nodded and we went outside while the girls went upstairs.  

"So, how's life been for you?" He asked, taking some of the wood for the bed out the truck.  

"It's been a little depressing and crazy.." I say, taking some more wood out. "After that girl took Ryan back, it's been strange and quiet. How about you?"  

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