Chapter Five - The Doberman's Rescue

Start from the beginning

Snapping out of it, Ezra reminded herself of her main focus: escape. 
"If I were you, just open the gate before I tear through and rip your godforsaken throat out!" Ezra was taken aback to see the white dog not even bat an eyelid. 
Rather than responding to Ezra's threat, she simply kept her sights purely on Dallas, awaiting his response.
"Er-..." Dallas stuttered, even he wasn't expecting an outsider such as her to care as little as this about being threatened by a Wolf, "we're sure. Only fate will guide us now," he finally replied.
Instantly, she tensed her muscles underneath her sleek white pelt and lunged upward. Her body flailing mid-air, she whacked a large button above her with her wide forepaw.
All of a sudden, the cage gate groaned and vibrated.
Jerking back, Ezra was startled by the sudden movement of human machinery. Her nose stung from the stench of oil and rust, she wrinkled it in disgust. Mankind's technology had always smelt unnatural to her, it'd revolted her; but now, hopefully, she would be able to finally get away from not only their humongous buildings and machinery, but even humans themselves.

Her paws itched to race off into the wild. And before she knew it, the gate was wide open; her future was being sewn into the twisted paths of fate before her.
Sensational shivers continuously crawled down her spine like thousands of ants swarming through her red pelt.

Blood rushing, she tensed her muscles, preparing to lunge forward. However, before she was finally able to break free, Murphy and Dallas barged past her and bolted ahead.
Growling under her breath, Ezra went to follow them and have their tails for lunch for pushing past her as they did; but the huge white dog skidded in front of her. She gave Ezra the same, blank expression as before. 

The Red Wolf bore her teeth, hoping to warn her to back off.

Usually, she wouldn't hesitate to begin tearing one's throat out, especially not after what happened with her brother, Hussar, but for some reason, her body was frozen like an icicle. She was baffled as to why she couldn't launch herself at this weird dog. Instead, she'd just stood there like a statue and glared at her with her furious, blazing blue eyes.

"Out of my way, mutt!" Ezra snarled.
Blinking calmly, the dog stepped closer.
Snarling slightly louder, as to warn the white dog, Ezra stood her ground.
"The name's Magnolia," she corrected the Red Wolf. She had a soft voice, yet her accent was unnatural and foreign, but luckily she spoke slowly and carefully enough for Ezra to make out her words.
Ezra snorted. Was she supposed to care? She just wanted to get out of the cage! And this dog was stopping her!
Before the feisty wolf could retort, Magnolia parted her jaws to speak yet again.
"You're not like the others. You're different. I haven't seen a canine such as yourself before," she murmured. Ezra simply groaned.
"I honestly could not possibly care any less about what you say! Nor do I want your petty opinions, they mean nothing to me. Now move," she attempted to shove past the muscular dog, but Magnolia sturdily blocked her way. Her stubbornness began to irritate the Wolf. Ezra's hackles rose in pure annoyance, but something was stopping her from lunging onto the dog. 
She hated it.
Magnolia began to speak yet again.
"You will not understand now, and most likely you won't anytime soon either. But never let these words leave your mind," Magnolia leant closer to Ezra's ear. She flinched, why wasn't Magnolia getting the picture? She didn't care! "You will never know how you truly feel about something until it's gone forever," the dog whispered.
The Red Wolf wrinkled her nose.
"What's that supposed to mean?" she blurted out.
Magnolia drew back, out of Ezra's way, and began to turn away.
"Hey! I'm talking to you!" she barked.
Magnolia glanced over her shoulder, her whiskers quivering with amusement. 
"You wanted me gone, so I will go. Never forget my words, Red Naviili," she muttered as she trotted in the direction of the other enclosures.
"Nav-what now? Don't walk away from me! Tell me what you mean!" Ezra demanded, howling after the mysterious white dog.

Tensing her muscles to leap after Magnolia, she paused - Murphy appeared from a turn opposite to where the dog had gone. Ezra stared at him, but she was just so confused! What had the dog meant? And why did she have such an interest in Ezra? She never got complimented! Ever!

"What are you doing? You've been waiting for this your whole life!" Murphy's voice snapped her back to reality. "Come on!"
Her previous excitement crashed back into her bloodstream; in an instant, her veins were pumping hot with adrenaline. She'd never felt so free as she finally stepped foot outside the gate of her old enclosure.

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