Chapter Two - Aiko the Alaskan Klee Kai

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Ruby hurled the soccer ball over the field as her puppy sprinted after it. The little ball of fur was so speedy that she could barely see him! Even in the strong lights shining down on them under the violet sky, her puppy was nothing but a light grey blur, charging after her ball.

"Yes, Aiko! Bring it this way boy!" she called the grey and white puppy over. Aiko nosed the soccer ball towards his owner with an excited, waggie tail. "Good boy!" Ruby knelt and petted him, "we'll make a great team," she took a small picnic sausage from her pocket and fed it to him. Chewing it quickly, he gulped the tasty meat-treat before bouncing playfully around his owner's feet.
"Are they coming? Are they coming?" he squeaked.
"Calm down, Aiko! What are you jumping around for?" Ruby giggled.
Aiko halted in his playful leaping and sat, staring at Ruby with his head to the side, his blue eye shimmering with confusion and his brown eye lightening with curiosity. Aiko couldn't understand why she wasn't answering his question.
Maybe she couldn't understand him? Ruby stood up.

"Stop messing around, Tristan will be here with Spectre soon!" Ruby placed her hands on her hips and grinned. Aiko started to bounce around again with excitement.

Even though he was seven months old, four months older than Spectre, they were still the best of friends. They were like brothers, the little Pit Bull Terrier and the Alaskan Klee Kai had been closer than anything since Spectre's birth. Especially since he had needed someone to call family; Spectre's mother, Trixie, passed away while giving birth to him. As well as the fact he was a lone pup; nobody to call his sibling. He'd never met his father, so Aiko had been his adopted brother ever since.

A few moments later, Aiko heard a distant, high-pitched, familiar yap.
He whipped around and spotted Spectre and Tristan scurrying towards them.
"Aiko!!" Spectre squealed excitedly, bounding toward him.
"Spectre!!" he replied, leaping all over the place.

Once the pups finally reached one another, they started tackling each other playfully. Aiko pinned Spectre down effortlessly but still went a little easy on him, after all, Spectre was still a fragile pup.

All of a sudden, barking and shouting came from the road nearby. Aiko hopped off the little Pit Bull and watched as he stood up and shook himself off, a sulky look glued to his face at the fact that he'd lost the wrestle.
"What's that?" Aiko asked his friend.
"That must be that popular Police dog, Blaze!" Spectre announced.
"What? How do you know?"
"Easy. That's a Doberman's bark, and Blaze is the only Doberman used as a Cop dog in this part of Maine!" Spectre held his chin high as he boasted about his knowledge.
"That's a sharp sense of hearing you have there," Aiko complimented.
"Yep! But to be honest, I do know Blaze's bark really well seeing as Tristan's dad owns Blaze,"
"Really? How come you don't live with him then?" Aiko asked, surprised that his friend knew Blaze.
"Tristan's dad split up with Tristan's mom a long time before I was born, Tristan told me himself! He usually tells me all his worries," Spectre barked, "I think his name is Adam, and I think he has a new wife now and a baby, I think she's a whole five years old now! But I've been to Blaze's house about twice now,"
"Wow! I'd love to meet him... What is he like? Is he scary? Is he cool?"
Aiko was hyped up to see what Blaze was like. He was a well-known police dog around this part of Maine, he'd stopped a master criminal getting away with stolen diamonds! Even better, he'd done it without orders. If he hadn't intervened with the job, the criminal would have been spoiled rich by now, without any effort either! He didn't deserve that fate.
However, that's not all Blaze had done.
Before Blaze was signed up to be a Police dog, he had been caught on CCTV saving a small child from being run over by a truck, putting himself at the risk of death to save a life!
"To be honest, he's really serious and boring. All he does is sleep! When I tried to talk to him last time, he groaned, rolled over and went back to sleep!" Spectre looked down at his paws and clawed at the grass beneath them. "He's no fun..."
"Why would he do that?" Aiko questioned.
"Don't know. Maybe it's hard work being a cop an' all?" Spectre guessed.
"You're kidding, right?" the Alaskan Klee Kai yapped. "All he does is catch bad people and put them in a cage," he grumbled. He was annoyed that Blaze had ignored his friend.

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