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Taeyong's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open to see a bright light seep through the curtains and I squinted at the brightness, the presence felt empty and I turned to my left to see bare bed sheets, where is Jasmine?

My attention was broken by the heaving and coughing coming from the bathroom as I darted out of the silk sheets and rushed to Jasmine's tiny frame sitting on the stone bathroom floor her hair covering her face as I held her tightly.

"Jasmine, are you okay babe?" Her fragile face forming into a pout. 

"I'm sick it must be something I ate, its okay though I'll be fine." She tried standing but I held her in place preventing her to move.

"No you're not Jas, don't move I'll get some water and medicine."

I scattered off to get what I had promised and came back to see Jasmine further being sick and my heart broke at the sight of her in pain. 

"Taeyong you don't have to see me like this." She tried to push me out of the bathroom but she was too weak as I refused to leave.

"No, baby I'm gonna take care of you, you don't look too good, I think we might have to cut this trip short and go back to Seoul hmm?" I urged the medicine her way as she swallowed the pills along with the water. 

"I don't want to ruin the trip though, I mean it was for us to spend time together and now we can't because of me." She pouted adorably and I couldn't help but chuckle silently at her expression...I can't believe I have been so besotted by an angel

A devil who has fallen for an angel...how ironic.

"Aww my princess, I don't care if we were here, at home, or on the other side of the world as long as I'm with you its more than enough."

I missed that precious smile.


It was already mid afternoon by the time Jas and I could check out of the hotel and I could find her something decent for her to eat. I couldn't quite depict what kind of sickness she had and that worried me slightly. I'm probably overreacting but theres no such thing as taking chances when it comes to my Choi Jasmine.

 I wrapped Jas up in one of my hoodies that we bought yesterday when we went shopping and put her in the passenger seat, already drifting off. I checked the side-view mirror before getting in the car, wiping it clean before I caught the sight of two all too familiar faces peeking from inside a black car parked on the other side of the road a few meters back in the mirror.

Fuck. Not them, anybody but them. 

Their boss was not a satisfied customer and if they saw me here, I would be in shit and Jasmine too...I refuse to risk it, her safety is too important. I jumped in the car swiftly trying to calm down.

"What were you doing?" A sleepy voice spoke.

"Nothing sweetie, just rest we'll be home before you know it." She nodded, her puffy pale face peaking from the depths of my hoodie. I gave her a small reassuring smile gently caressing the back of her head before looking back at the road starting the engine, I gave the side-view mirror one last glance, the  black car was gone.


The ride home was tedious to say the least, a 4 hour car journey probably wasn't the best medicine for Jasmine but nevertheless she should start to feel better in her own home. My hand held the steering wheel while the other rested on her thigh, the silence was deafening and it made my skin prick. I stole a glance at her weakened state, her complexion was pale and even when she was sleeping I could still recognise that she was in pain. 

This merely provoked me to get home even faster so I pressed my foot down onto the acceleration, speeding off into the abyss of the night. My encounter with seeing them two earlier distracted my thoughts and made me concentrate on the road ahead to get Jasmine as far away from them as I could.

When we got home I hauled Jasmine into my arms as she snuggled her pretty face into the crook of my neck her sleepy frame slotting perfectly into my embrace as I carried her up to the apartment and placed her in bed making sure she was warm.

I reluctantly started to unpack, the absence of Jasmine taking over and bossing me about where to put things and how to organise the makeup on her dressing table was more effective than I thought and it made me pity her even more that she was sick. 

Is this what its like to be in love? Heartbroken when the tiniest thing happens to the one you cherish. Now surely I'm overreacting. 

I drew back the curtain in her bedroom placing the book Jasmine brought back to its place, unintentionally I looked out over the shadowed night lit city of Seoul. With a velvety raven cloak overseeing it in the sky, the omniscient, pearly moon shining brightly, the light to guide a lost soul in the dark. 

I fear everyday that Jasmine might get caught up in the mess I caused for her breaking me out of that asylum. Will we ever be able to not completely live in fear? Will she be punished if they catch me? Will we always be together? It terrifies me, I will not let my fear scare her even more and I will simply be strong. My reminiscing oddly dragged my attention to the car park of the apartment complex checking where I had parked the Lamborghini, my eyes widened as my eyes caught the perplexed sight of the prominent ebony Hyundai from earlier parked a few spaces next to mine. My eyebrows knitted together in anger, my fists curling inwards piercing the palms of my hands. 

No way did they follow us all the way from Busan.

I will not stand by and watch whatever danger they are planning, well what he is planning.

I infuriatingly stormed towards the black vehicle, the two figures stepping out of the car slowly walking towards me. I could kill them for being here, I will not let this slide by any means.

I clenched my fists tighter as I spat out the words that were digging holes in my brain.

"Ten, Kun - what the fuck are you doing here?" 

Kun smirked leaning his arm on the side of the car bonnet, Ten taking slow walks to meet my stance.

"He wants to see you."


Sorry this is horrible and short but I hope that now some tea is being spilled its making the story more interesting and I hope your enjoying it <3

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