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"Yes." He smiled.

I stared at him bewildered. Torture came in different shapes and sizes and there were no boundaries when it came to Taeyong.

"Are you sure you want to hear...this Jasmine?" His expression changed into doubtfulness.

I couldn't show him weakness so I shrugged it off, my professional front seeping through.

"Of course."

This was the first time I saw Taeyong actually looking serious and concerned, especially how I was near enough certain it was about me. Concern for...me? Hearing what he was about to tell me...it seems as if it was not going to be pretty at all. The fact that Taeyong was even worried about telling me made my heart beat ten thousand times faster with nervous impulses flashing through my body at seven hundred miles per hour.

"Very well. I suppose you could say that torture was one of my...guilty pleasures."


"I would catch my victims like they were my prey. I would take interest in a particular person that interested me and learn everything I could about them."

He was staring. Again.

"Sounds like a waste of time." I yawned sarcastically until a deafening glare was thrown my way.

"Ahh but what you don't understand Jasmine is that it is very important when choosing your victims. Know everything about them."

He paused.

"I would capture them and lock them up somewhere I knew I wouldn't get caught, of course. I'd ask them questions and intimidate.  The look on their faces was indescribable, quite funny actually. I would torment them and if I didn't get what I want."

A demonic smirk appeared on his face.

"I made sure I did."

"Like what?" I asked intrigued, my legitimacy puzzled him as I saw a little giggle escape his mouth at my abrupt interest.

"Ahh...well I forced them to eat their friend's toes or fingers...depending on my mood. It was hilarious watching it, I bought popcorn just for the occasion one time. It's really entertaining."

My expression was probably beyond incomprehensible. You can't blame me though, surely, I mean...this was weird.

I cleared my throat.

"Is that it?"

"Oh, I see. You want to hear more?"

His expression was priceless. This was exactly like a bedtime story only the 18+ ones. There was something about his voice that allured me. It was horrible and I didn't want to admit it but...I couldn't get enough of it.


"Well I bathed people in acid sometimes. Their screams were like violins to me. Their delicate skin melting off their bones was extremely satisfying." He said with lust in his voice.

"What else?"

My confidence was becoming distracting, I needed more from him. I could listen to him all day. Why though? This is wrong and I needed to stop...but my head wouldn't let me.

He thought for a minute trying to remember his lively past.

"Oh once, I cut open the back of this boy, exposing his rib cage. Then I twisted them round making them look like wings. However for some reason, this didn't satisfy me like I thought it would."

Okay, that one was nasty and he could clearly see it on my face this time.

"Yeah, won't be doing that again." Taeyong spoke.

"Tell me...tell me Taeyong. Why do you do this? Please."

"I'm insane Jas..."

"It's not good enough." I snapped, taking him aback.



Lexi was giving me "the look". I couldn't understand why though.

"Oof why so serious?" I teased.

"Why so oblivious?" She hissed.

"What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean. I knew inviting Mark the other day wasn't a good idea, now look he's probably curled up in a ball somewhere all depressed and shit." Lexi slouched back in her chair.

"Lex, don't worry about him, he'll be fine plus Haechan will look after him. If there was a major problem he would call us and consult us about it." I reassured her.

"Whatever but I'm worried Jas. About Jaemin, should I tell him about what I did to Mark? I probably should before he finds out another way but I don't want it to hurt him or he'll definitely look at me differently. And on top of that I don't even know where my head is at the moment! I mean...do you think...well I don't know really but do you think Jaemin is...the one...for me?"

Oh no. This was it, we were going into deep conversation and as Lexi's ultimate best friend I owed her my utmost honest advise I could deliver.

"Lexi, this is your boyfriend, your life, your choices. No one else can decide that for you. I'll be honest...he's a bitch but however I can see that you are changing him for the better and how happy you two are. Just follow your own instincts and always say how you feel. That is how your relationship will remain healthy and whether it withers away or grows even stronger, at least you will find closure in knowing that you were completely honest."

Lexi stared up at me with puppy eyes clasping onto every word.

"Your the best Jas, you know that right?"

"Always know what to say to you Lex. Don't worry."


I tentatively stepped out onto the icy balcony, stars flooding the ebony sky with a milky white full moon complementing the scenery. I looked down to see the raging life of Seoul with street lights and tall skyscrapers engulfing my surroundings. The wind whistled and danced around me, the fresh pure air that I adored. Taking in the ethereal view my mind was somewhat elsewhere. Ugh. Why him. Why was my mind on him.


My every sense drew me closer to him pulling me deeper and deeper. I've never met anyone like him before and it scared me. That's it, I was scared but so interested that I had to go back to him. More and more. The sweet harmony of his deep voice. His eyes, filled with pain but endless redemption, he wanted it. I could see it. Everything about him. Every day. I couldn't miss it. I couldn't miss...him.

It couldn't be.

It's so wrong.

It's almost like...I wanted...


Psychopath||Lee TaeyongOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant