17||Pure love

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I am so sorry for taking so long to update, I hit a writers block and didn't know how to make the chapter interesting but I hope this makes up for it!


4 weeks later

The press had been surprisingly quiet about Taeyong's outbreak and it seemed like no one was bothered or even realised just how much of a threat he is...not to me anyways. However we still had to keep a low profile and we couldn't afford to take chances, the police were still patrolling 24/7.

Life with him so far has been far from what I expected, I've never connected to someone the way I connect to him and the feelings I get when I'm around him are to perplexed and overwhelming for me to even start to describe. However, I do think about Lexi every once in a while, I do wonder if she's alright.

On the other hand, I can't help but notice how he's changing, every day his powerful, sinister and cold wall deteriorates, bit by bit. That ethereal, alluring smile that is so captivatingly real peaks at my gaze every day and it makes my fragile heart soften into his slowly warming arms.

"Let's go shopping." A wide eyed Taeyong looked into my eyes, his pearly white teeth blinding me.

"Shopping? Do you think it will be alright?" I asked concern lingering in my tone as he started playing with the ends of my hair.

"I never said we should shop in Seoul...I was thinking more like Busan."

"Busan is beautiful! When do you want to go?" I started shaking him with excitement before he brought my head closer to his, pecking the tip of my nose.



4 hours later

"It's gorgeous." I sighed in awe of the stunning red Lamborghini Taeyong unlocked with a pair of keys.

"This car has been sitting in Busan the whole time you were in the asylum? Who took care of it while you were locked up?" I held his arm still staring at the gorgeous car.

"I told you Jasmine, I have connections from my days as a drug dealer. You get to know people and you build trust and alliance."

"Wow." I smiled wide eyed until I felt a tingling sensation on my skin.

"Wanna go for a spin?" He whispered seductively into my sensitive ear, his hands traced around my waist, he rested his head on my shoulder. His touch sent shivers up my spine, a feeling that enticed my whole existence, whenever he lays a finger on me the contact is so illusory that the whole world stops and it's just me and him, together.

I smirked at his comment.

"Where to?"

"You'll see." He chuckled, opening the door to the luxury vehicle allowing me to take a seat as we drove away from the busy streets, the sun setting peacefully as if all of our problems disappeared along with the strong ambience of pain that he endured was now slowly becoming a piece of frivolous history.


We drove into what seemed like the most expensive parking lot I had ever seen, a grand hotel standing behind it with marble stairs leading up to the entrance with adorning glass doors sealing it. We rapidly pulled up in front of a man in a black suit until Taeyong and I got out of the car, handing the gentleman the keys.

People with exquisite dresses and suits were going to and from the hotel...clearly rich beyond my capabilities.

Shit, I look so underdressed to be somewhere as nice as this. My insecurities were clearly visible as Taeyong entwined his hand with mine gently caressing my skin with his thumb, giving me a reassuring look.

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