1||Mr Lee

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"Jasmine Choi?"

I turned my head to see a very tall figure standing in front of his desk holding a number of forms. He had dark hair,  dark eyes and little circle lens glasses that sat on his small nose. He was clearly an advanced intellectual.

"That's me." I said nervously.

"My name is Dr Johnny Seo. I am the doctor of the new patient you are taking on. I hope I'm not mistaken?"

I was taken slightly aback and cleared my throat. It was my first day here at South Korea's most well known asylum and I had taken on what previous therapists had to say as the most reckless patient there is at this place. I wasn't bothered by it though, I like a challenge.

"Yes doctor, I hear he is the most dangerous patient you have here? You should have no concerns I am well trained and ready to take this job head on." I stated confidently.

Dr Seo chuckled under his breath finally looking up from his papers taking off his glasses.

"Are you sure you know what your dealing with Miss Choi? After all that's why I'm giving you a quick briefing before you meet the patient."

My eyes stared up and down. Trying to realise what I was missing but couldn't quite gather what it was. My silence must of hinted I was confused so he spoke up.

"Name, Lee Taeyong. Age, 24 years old. Current mental state, stable. Outbursts, twice every 3 months. Charged as, serial killer."

My eyes twitched of course I already knew this but maybe I was just coming to terms of quite how serious this situation was and what I was getting myself into.

"Understood doctor."

"Good, lets go and meet your patient shall we?"

I nodded frantically grabbing my things and putting my security badge over my head following next to Johnny.

"Let me explain a few more important regulations as we make our way to his base." I kept quiet, intrigued as to what else he had to say.

"Taeyong is our most dangerous patient here, as you are already aware." He said pushing the down button on the elevator. He continued.

"You will be dealing with a patient who has a high level of depression and possible anxiety. You have the key card to open his cell only in absolute emergencies, you only have this privilege being his mental health therapist/psychiatrist."

I gulped as we continued going down, further and further underground. Searching around me until the elevator stopped and the heaving metal steel doors opened to reveal a wide hallway.

"Don't be alarmed Miss Choi, the usual patients are kept in a hallway down that side of the corridor but Mr Lee has his own private section. We have to be very authoritative when it comes to him and we can't afford to take any risks."

"That's understandable." I muttered.

"Now regarding your own safety you must listen carefully, you are not allowed to tell him any personal information about yourself or others. Do you understand?"

I froze for a minute.

"Erm, yes doctor." I baffled as we stopped before grand double doors Johnny looking at me with concern in his eyes.

"Good. He is your patient therefore meaning your responsibility. Taeyong is not any usual mentally unstable patient we have here. This is why we have such a high security on him. Before you meet him I must make sure you understand clearly what you are dealing with."

I took in a breath to try and snap back into reality thinking maybe this isn't the right thing to do but no. This was my job and I hadn't been doing all this training for nothing.

"Doctor I am a professional, I'm capable of handling him."

"Good." Dr Seo sighed as he opened the double doors walking around the corridor until we came to a reasonably large cell with thick double panned glass sealing whatever evil lied behind it.

There was a single bed, bedside table, desk and a little room for a toilet and shower.
However what caught my eye was the tall figure facing the stone engraved wall. Red hair that covered his head. In all white trousers and shirt his hands clearly restrained. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a smooth voice coming from inside the cell.

"You've brought another one I suspect Dr Seo."

My insides did a backflip. What did he just say? "Another one?" What the fuck. Johnny cleared his throat before talking.

"Lee Taeyong, please let me introduce you to Miss Choi your new psychiatrist. I'll leave you to it, just call me if you need anything."
With that Johnny turned on his heal and walked away leaving me alone...with him.

"Mr Lee, it's nice to meet you I'm Miss Choi."

The figure slowly turned around making it visible for me to see a perfectly carved face with fair skin and piercing eyes. A slit through one eyebrow as he smirked cunningly, eyeing me up and down. To be quite honest, he wasn't what I was expecting. He didn't look dangerous just a really good looking guy who was probably a fuck boy back in school.

"Hello Jas." The voice spoke.

I spluttered merely being able to control what I'd just heard.

"How did you-?"

"It's on your security badge darling."

I laughed in disbelief, great, now he knew my first name.

"Now." He said sitting on his bed staring intently at my nervous state. He smirked.

"Let's see how long you can last, shall we?"

I hope you liked the first chapter, ahh I'm so excited to write this story enjoy!

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