Chapter Two-Robert

Start from the beginning

    I leave the limousine-like automobile as Sebastian tips his hat to me and drives away.  I approach the massive old brick building with confidence only a prince could carry...or so they assume.  I feel the weight of my books in my schoolbag slung over my shoulders.  From a distance, I see the familiar group of mindless followers looking in my direction with evident admiration on their faces.  While smirking, I nod my head towards them. 

    When I reach them, we exchange our greetings and enter the building for our first lesson.  As I sit through my literature lecture, I immediately notice Lexie's absence but quickly brush it off.  What's new?  She's almost never on time.  I think still feeling a bit worried nonetheless.

    I almost give a sigh of relief as the door opens and Lexie enters the classroom.  Professor Maddox gives her a stern look briefly before continuing the lecture.  As she quietly takes her seat a few places in front of me, I can't resist.  I don't know if I just want to see the fiery hatred burn in her eyes but I just can't.  I feign a cough and speak under my breath, "Late."

    On cue, she turns and shoots me a murderous glare.  I don't stop the smile that forms on my lips.  I really want to piss her off.  I see her face become angrier as she mouths, "Fuck you."

    "Thank you."  I mouth back as I feel a slight temperature rise in my face.

    I clearly see on her face the desire to stab me a million times but instead she sits back down with a slight look a defeat.  I smile to myself as I focus back on my notes.  Trying to concentrate on the lecture, I am instead pulled into a hushed conversation.  Close to my seat, Lexie and her friend, April, speak in careful whispers.  I instantly know I’m the topic of conversation.

    “What are we supposed to do?”  I make out as the words keep passing through Lexie’s lips, “We can’t touch him.  He’s the prince.”

    I clench the side of the desk as I try to control the onslaught of disappointment that just suddenly appeared.  What was I expecting?  Of course, she thinks like that.  I’ve given her plenty of reason.  But I don’t want that…

    Once I manage to stabilize my self-loathing, I venture to look at her once again.  She is deeply emerged in her book as she intently records the lecture.  I can’t help but long for her like I’ve always have with her unscathed face, shimmering baby blue eyes, and her smooth supple lips.  I furiously divert my gaze and listen through the rest of the class with heat resonating from my cheeks.

    I go through my remaining morning classes which are usually as dull as a blunt pencil.  I only have a couple of lessons with Lexie which are the highlight of my days as I try to bare the rest of them without her.  As I leave the room after my politics course, I am approached by Peter and James. 

    I have known these bloody idiots since the beginning of sixth form.  Their fathers are lawyers or doctors or something to that extent-if I care to remember.  Because of their fathers’ well regarded occupations, they have attached themselves to me since the day we first met.  Soon others followed their shallow example. Of course, I didn’t mind.  I was used to people like them throughout my whole life always thriving for my attention.  Plus, I need those people to keep my charade of a prince securely intact.

    I don’t like it one bit but it’s what everyone expects from me.  To follow in my father’s footsteps; to be just like him.  Although my father wasn’t in line for the throne, he contributed a lot for this country.  He was a charming and charitable man everyone would repeat.  I could hear the snide and haughty voices as they always talk as if I’m not standing in front of them.  “He will be just like Prince Richard.  He will do great things.” Or, “He has his father’s virtuosity.  Have you heard him?  An angel on the violin just like Prince Richard.”

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