Chapter Eleven-Lexie

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JS Marie

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My eyes are focused intently on the clock: 8:15.  My fellow classmates keep pouring into the room as I impatiently click my pen. 

            Today is extremely rare for me because I arrived earlier than I have ever been for my classes.  There is a reason that I am at the school early.  I need to see April.  Where the hell was she last night.

            The memories from last night slowly flood back into my head as I clench the side of my desk to control the frustration that I feel.  I look intently at the entrance trying to find the words that I will say to April.  My eyes widen when three familiar faces appear through the door.

            Isis, Galia, and Susan walk into the room in the same uniform as all of the other female classmates.  Their eyes are directed towards me as a huge smile sweeps across Galia’s and Susan’s faces.  Isis just gives me a deadened stare.  In response to their presence, I stand.

            “What the bloody hell are you doing here?”

            My voice is shaking as my hands tremble in fists.  The three don’t respond to me as they take empty seats.  “How are you here?”

            Isis glances at me and looks away with indifference.  Galia smirks as Susan is the only one that ventures to speak, “We’re to watch over Robert and you.”

            “Didn’t I say that I wanted no part of this?”  My response is almost pleading.

            “Can you quite your bloody complaining?”  Isis now interrupts with an annoyed voice, “You think we want to watch over a spoiled an ungrateful brat like you?”

            “Ungrateful?” I have to admit that my pride is slightly hurt. “Just because I don’t want any part of this madness?  Anyways…you can’t be here.  You aren’t students.”

            “With magic, we are.”  Galia says though a light chuckle.  “We can blend in with our surroundings as if we have been here time.”

            My eyes widen with disbelief that I almost scream in pure horror.  Was this nightmare ever going to end?  Angered, I sit back down not wanting to continue talking to these beings.

            I fervently look to the door hoping to see April walk through before class begins.  To my complete and utter displeasure, the next flock of people to enter is Robert with his gaggle of idiotic minions. 

            The intensity of his eyes connect with mine causing me to look away and act as if I didn’t see him.  In defiance with my head, my eyes wander back to him to see him give a gentle small and nod in my direction.  My face flushes as my heart angrily pounds inside my ribcage.  I cast my face down towards my desk in order to avoid any more contact with him.

            “Your highness, look who’s finally on time.”  I hear the bloody idiot, Peter, haughtily whisper to Robert loud enough for me to understand.  The group lets out a round of vile laughter as they take their seats. 

Through the corners of my eyes, I follow Robert to his seat diagonally in front of mine.  Every so often as each second ticks away for class to start, I catch Robert turning his shoulder and looking at me before quickly turning away.  With every look he gave me, my body heat rose with an indescribable emotion but I just assume it was the passionate anger that I have towards this lout.

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