Do you know what I'm seeing

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"The bathroom's open," Jess called out as she walked out followed by a trail of steam. Her hair was brushed wetly to the side, signifying she'd finished her shower. Joe took this as a sign and hopped off the couch giddily and murmured, "Finally. I have to pee like a race horse!"

Jess rolled her eyes at his comment and sat down on the couch beside Patrick, where an orange cat jumped onto her lap and purred voluptuously. She stroked the cat's fur before whispering something in its ear while looking over at Patrick.

The cat licked his lips and prowled over to Patrick, who was tiredly resting his head on the arm of the furniture, staring at the wall blankly.
The cat jumped from his lap and onto the arm before wrapping his little body around Patrick's neck like a scarf. Jess giggled as Patrick smiled and petted the cat childishly. He laughed before tugging the cat back onto his lap where it purred and curled into a ball.

But this was interrupted a harsh rap on the wall as Pete skulked into the room. Jess frowned at his mess intrusion and commented, "Do you always have to be so obnoxious when you enter the room? Jeez..."

Pete glared and hissed, "Why are you letting that thing lay on you?"
"Just because you hate cats doesn't mean you get to pick on Tum-" she started to retort when Pete interrupted with, "I don't hate all cats, just your cat!"
"Only because TumTum is smarter than you and actually listens to what I tell him," she retorted. Patrick rolled his eyes and said, "Pete, leave the cat alone. He never did anything to you so why do you hate him so much?"

"I can hear his cat thoughts," Pete whispered seriously earning a laugh from everyone in the room. He pouted bitterly and shouted, "I'm serious! That cat is plotting against me! He tried to bite me in my sleep!"

"Aww Pete, he takes after you," Jess cooed girlishly. Pete exhaled and muttered, "You are so immature."
"Hey, I'm not the one holding grudges against cats," she replied sarcastically. Jess smirked as she stood up with the cat on her shoulder, and walked towards her chamber, leaving Patrick, Andy, and Pete in silence.
Patrick chuckled and gave Pete a knowing look and retorted, "She has a point, you know."

Pete grinned and said, "Yeah, I just like stirring things up with her. She's like the chick version of you."
Patrick half-smiled while adjusting his hat, before standing up and announcing, "We're going hunting today."

Pete jumped up sequentially and enthused, "Finally! It's been weeks!"
Patrick sighed and said, "That's because last time, we nearly died after you got arrested. But I've finally developed a device that will protect us from those situations." (Note Patrick's not a vampire. He didn't get bitten like he did in the music END note)
Pete bared a look of curiosity and asked, "What is it?"

"Well," Patrick looked around sheepishly before answering, "I call it the receiver."
He pulled out a thin metal object out of his pocket and placed it in his ear, "It's a telecommunicating device that allows our teammates to hear our thoughts so we don't give away our hiding spots and at the same time, it sends negative signals to vampires so they can't overhear anything. It's pretty handy to have since that's how the Dandies figured us out before."
Andy and Pete nodded as Patrick handed them each a tiny device but warned significantly, "You can never ever tell anyone outside of the team that you're wearing these. It's extremely important that we keep this a secret. You got that?"

The men nodded as Patrick instructed, "Alright, now go prepare yourselves for some serious ass-whooping. I'm going to inform Jess about this gadget."
Pete and Andy waltzed into the training room and grabbed a few stakes off the wall. Pete watched as Andy stared at the target aggressively and hurled the wooden stake towards it. The stake stabbed through the heart of the target, and he smiled.
Pete's stake, on the other hand, kept penetrating the throat and the head of the target. Pete exhaled, disappointed at himself, but kept trying until his practice was interrupted by a chilling scream.
His head whipped around, trying to sense where it came from when Andy asked, "What are you doing?"
"Didn't you hear that scream?" Pete panted, between darting in and out of all the rooms in the hideout searching for cause.
"No," Andy mumbled a little bit creeped out by Pete's seriousness. Jess came spiraling out of her room and shrieked, "I heard it too, Pete!"
"Patrick!" Pete shouted in a panicked way, making Patrick's bones shiver as he scampered to see what was wrong.

"I sense trouble! Let's go!" Pete huffed as he sprinted around the house, tossing guns and equipment towards everyone. Joe, meanwhile, was hurriedly pulling on his clothes as he skittered out of the bathroom with his pants halfway on.

Jess grabbed Patrick and Andy's arms and disapparated. Meanwhile, Pete drug Joe out of the bathroom and disapparated them to scene of the crime. The Alley.

"Get away from me!" Amber cried as vampires clung to her skin like ticks. They'd busted open her lip and were lusting for her blood as they fought each other to get close.
"Hey, back away from the girl!" Pete shouted furiously as the vampires looked at him with death written across their faces. Then they all started hurling themselves his direction knocking him backwards onto the ground.
Amber stood petrified and sick to her stomach as she leaned against the wall and fainted onto the ground. Jess ran to her aid but only after her head clattered against the ground.
Jess was about to disapparate her to somewhere safe when two arms strangled her from behind. She gritted her teeth together viciously as she leapt 100 feet backwards, crushing the vampire against the brick wall. She swiftly obtained the stake from her belt and pitched them at a group of vampires, hitting each one of them in the heart before they exploded into ashes.

She glanced up momentarily to witness Pete on a killing rampage, staking right and left and taking a bite everywhere he could.
Jess cringed and decided to take further action as more vampires continued appearing.
She viciously staked a balding vampire square between the eyes before hearing a yell; Spinning violently around, she saw Pete fall to his knees.
"Shit!' she thought as she battled, punched, kicked and staked her way through the vampire mob. Being only a half-bred vampire of the group, it was a huge deal if the best fighter in the group was injured. After shooting a slutty looking vampire in the temple with her crossbow, she finally reached him. He had a stake in his leg and he looked like he was about to pass out.
Then before she knew it, Jess was picked up by her throat and shoved against the wall. As she struggled to breath, she mustered up enough strength to give a sickening blow to the very strong, very large vampire's skull. He staggered back and let her go; gasping, as she stood.

The vampire readied for another attack but before Jess could react, the vampire bolted forward, a silver arrow stabbed through its chest as it turned to dust.
"Dust eater..." Pete gasped, standing up, breathing heavily.
Jess sighed in relief and showed her appreciation by commenting, "Wow, it looks like you're not entirely useless. Thanks for saving me."
"No problem," he replied nonchalantly as he extended his hand to Patrick who had been tackled by some vampires earlier, all whom were dead now.
"Sorry I couldn't be your superman, Jess," Patrick said ashamedly. Jess raised an eyebrow and said, "It's fine, Trick. You're only human. I don't expect you to save my life. I'm supposed to save yours."

Patrick blushed and muttered, "That is so backwards."

Jess grinned bearing her fangs as she walked toward Amber and said, "Pete, take Amber to the hide out. She's out cold."
Pete hobbled over without a word as he kneeled down on his good leg and thrust his hands underneath Amber's torso. Picking her up gently, he disapparated back to the hideout, where the others soon met up with him.

"Pete, let me see your leg," Patrick demanded as he shuffled into the house. Pete cringed at the pain and stubbornly shouted, "Don't touch it!"
Patrick rolled his eyes and looked as if he were about to request for something when Jess shouted, "I've already got you covered, Trick!" as a roll of tape and gauze flew at him from across the room.

He mouthed the word, "Thank you," at her before focusing on Pete's leg, where the stake remained impaled in his thigh.
"Well, now that we've got her in the house...what are we going to do with her?" Patrick asked faintly as he wiped down Pete's leg with a wet cloth. Pete exhaled and said, "There's only one thing we can do now."
"What is that?" Patrick asked suddenly curious.
"We can't let her leave."

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