Tiffany Blews

750 32 1

Oh baby you're a classic
Like a little black dress
You're a faded moon
Stuck on a little hot mess
A little hot mess

"Amber," a voice echoed eerily, the sound bouncing off the walls over and over again, crushing the poor figure smothered in the midst of it, "This is all your fault".
Her heart pounded a second offbeat as she slowly recognized the man behind the voice. A shadow appeared before her in the shape of her enemy and very own sibling. Her ears seemed to have a beat, as the shadow inched forward into her worst fear.
Pete stood there, eyes dark and gleaming a delirious shade of crimson as he growled , "You killed them, Amber."
And in one swift motion, he had her pinned to the ground. Staring down at her, he brushed his lips across the core of her throat, stirring before leaning lowly as he rested his cheek on her chest, inhaling her last breaths almost pleasurably as he reached over with lightning speed and ripped her throat from the concrete.
Amber awoke to a high-pitched screech exploding out of her as her eyes tore from their slumber. Immediately, her protector and newfound guardian flew to her side, arms gripping her as a choking sob contorted out of her chest. Reactively, she screamed and pushed hard against him, knocking her back a few feet. Watching her closely, he saw that she was clearly terrified from the unpleasant nightmare she'd just experienced. Pete had already pieced this together as he whispered, "Amber, it's going to be okay. It wasn't real."
"Is it going to be okay?" she whispered in reply, as Pete made his way to her side. She stared instinctively at the floor, her eyes glazed with the remnants of tears.
Without thinking, Pete asked, "Amber…is there something you want me to know?"
Her eyes suddenly looked alarmed as she alleged, "There's nothing you don't know…is there?"
Seriously, he stared directly into her eyes and mutely obliged, "I only know the things you want me to know."
"Oh," she said, somewhat embarrassed now by her hesitant state of thinking. She sighed before muttering, "I don't know what to keep telling myself that will make me feel any better about the position I'm in. It's life and death out there, and I've only got one life. But if I have to live the rest of my life knowing I've put you in danger…I don't think I'd be really living."
She shut her eyes and within moments, her skin prickled from the wave of chilliness sitting beside her. She could only hear the sound of her own breathing pounding in her skull though her ears were vaguely concentrating on the sound of other life in the room. But she couldn't hear anything.
When she opened her eyes again, she seemed surprised to find that Pete was still crouched beside her, looking petrified and stone-like as he observed her fidgeting.
"I…understand," Pete urged out somewhat frustrated now, before sighing hard as his thoughts bundled drastically. He wanted to spill his feelings, he wanted to tell her how much he truly knew about everything she'd just spoken. But…what if she threatened to leave?
Suddenly, he growled out loud, startling Amber as she grabbed onto him unconsciously and worriedly asked, "Pete, are you okay?"
Shaking himself out of his frustration, he immediately reassured, "No! I mean yes, I'm fine… Sorry I startled you. It's just…I just don't seem to know how to let you know…that things are going to be okay…"
Amber's blue eyes glowed in the dark through Pete's eyes as she sent him a empathetic smile as she admitted, "That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever told me."
"No one's ever told you it'll be okay?" Pete scoffed with disbelief, his voice lowering back to that same rough tone that it'd been in before when she'd first met him. Through the darkness, she could see him raise an eyebrow as he rolled his eyes. Answering, she muttered, "Seriously…" before breaking into a fit of laughter after seeing the look on Pete's face. It was easy to see that even in the dark, Pete's facial expressions were still priceless.
Looking away, Pete smiled to himself. But not just any ordinary smile. This was something else…a smile he didn't know exactly how to stop…as if his cheeks were glued to his cheekbones. Listening intently to the sound of her laughter brought an overwhelming tickling sensation to his lower abdomen. He didn't like this feeling at all but it wouldn't go away.

Patrick was fast asleep, passed out on his work table from another sleepless night. He'd been trying so hard to figure out more about Amber's strange life-altering experience. He'd finally come to the theory that perhaps she was more than just a human when he finally hit the desk.
There was no sense of time for Jess allowed herself to sit in his lab to make sure he wouldn't wake up and try to fight the hysteria. He'd been losing far too much sleep lately. He needed a rest.
Watching him with intensity, she lost herself in observing his movements before she placed her hand on his head with what could've been mistaken as a motherly instinct. His hair was soft like a child's as she coarsely ran her fingers through, his baby white skin feeling so smooth against her solid fingers.
She'd been keeping these emotions of hers locked up for so long…but would her feelings change anything? She was in love with this man, who so tirelessly gave up pieces of his old life to dedicate it to fighting off the evil that cost him the life of his very best friend. She looked up to him in a way. He always put his all into everything he did for the rest of us, never once stopping to consider his own happiness. This is what marked his place as our leader, our guide.
However, Jess swore that what she felt… had probably never crossed his mind. As she stared at him lying there with his head on his palm glowing with a sense of peacefulness, her heart ached longingly as she rested her head against his, and wept silently inside.

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