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You know a heart of gold
won't take you all the way
And in a world so cold
it's hard to keep the faith
I'm never gonna fade away

Amber's point of view
"Alright...are you guys ready?" Pete's voice spoke thoroughly through the device promptly positioned in the crevice of my ear. Nervously, I swallowed at the unsure roughness of his voice before answering, "Roger that."
Though I was keeping watch on the presently secluded place I was assigned to be at this moment, I could hear Jess and Pete exchange a few mutters and grunts as they unknowingly held a foreign conversation over the line. Sighing, I reported, "I can hear snarling coming from behind the door. It sounds like it's getting louder."
"Okay, I say we get in there as fast as possible then," he replied with authority.
There was an eerie silence that rang through the communication device before Pete murmured, "And Amber...please stay safe."
Before I could even begin to roll my eyes at his indirect way of telling me 'Don't be stupid', a deafening shatter of a door smashing into a thousand little pieces threatened me as I reached for the handle of my blade with blinding panic. I couldn't think to even cry out, for my fears were met with the gleaming eyes of the beasts who'd brought me here.
"There's someone in here," one of them shouted before a larger, bulkier looking vampire extended his large hand out to my throat, pinning me to the large crates I'd been hiding behind in practically a second flat. My chest was on fire as I flailed kicks from every angle in my struggle to release myself from his furious grip.
"Who would've ever thought we'd find ourselves in this scenario, Amber?" a familiar voice snickered as another hand pried the larger hand from my throat, replacing it with their own smaller and daintier fingers. Still spiraling out kicks, I managed to finally reach my blade as I raised it from its sheath and sliced the face of William's best lackey.
"You arrogant little brat!" he hissed, his hand gripping the freshly cut wound that was bleeding through the creases of his fingers, "I'm going to make you wish you were never brought into this world."
A smirk made it's way across my face, as I replied, "It's a little late for that, don't you think? My family is a bunch of psychotic territorial vampires that wanna take over the world. Yeah, I think I've good got reason to see life a little hazy."
And with that, I watched the group of vampires around me back away slowly, except for Brendon, whose face glowed with the mind-boggling fury that I had witnessed before. Except this time, I wasn't going to fall victim to his mind torture this time. I had pieced this whole operation together.
Behind him, I could hear the others shouting at him, "Urie, you know the orders! She has to stay alive for the Transformation to work! Don't be selfish!'
"Shut up!' Brendon growled, his voice simulating that of a demon as he shot me a fierce look that had my mind doing back flips until my stomach couldn't take anymore. I fell to my knees as the sickness took over me and all contents of my stomach released across the concrete floors. My body shook with shock as his control over me seemed to be reaching its very peak.
Okay, so maybe I hadn't piece anything together and was leading myself down a even bigger pit than I did before. Why couldn't I just be stronger?
And then a part of me wondered if the others had gotten Patrick out safely and were fighting with William as we speak. But what will happen if Brendon really kills me? Will that save everyone else?
The realization truly struck me as a harsh reality. My death would save them all from world destruction...and I suddenly wished that Brendon would kill me.
I stopped struggling against the weight of his mind control. It had crushed the nerve endings so the gut-wrenching pain I'd felt before was but a memory now.
I rolled onto my back, my eyes stiffly watching Brendon's face as he realized the grave mistake he was making in his attempt to end me. Almost as fast as his pupils dilated around the rims of his eyes, his mind control cracked to a stop as the weight crashed to a harmful pause, making my mind feel light as air though my body wouldn't move.
"What are you just standing there for? Someone bite her before she dies and everything's ruined!" Brendon shouted, his arms firing signals in the air for the others to obey. But as a few brave souls stepped forward in their lightning fast reflexes to savor whatever was left of my life, there was the sound of screaming. No...not screaming. The sound was piercing like a lion had just torn the head off an antelope right beside my eardrum.
And suddenly, my body was no longer surrounded by vampires but instead by an increasing pileup of bodies. With all my strength, I forced my head to look the direction which the bodies were flying from. It should've been expected but...the figure was indeed Pete. And he was bleeding severely from a massive head wound. There was a look of fury as his eyes glowed intensely as he picked up an abandoned metal pipe from the ground and with one long strike, he impaled each and every vampire in the pile. I tried to look away, for the scene was too much even with my demented and reclusive history, but my body was unable to do anything for me.
Panting, Pete eyed me with a strange look as he appeared by my side with a potion of some kind. Swallowing, I asked, "What is this?"
"It's an antidote. Now tell me what the hell happened back there?" he groaned out, his voice sounding rough from the fighting. Blinking a few times, I asked him seriously, "Will I make it in time for the finale?"
He stared blankly at me for what felt like forever before he answered, "You're a crazy chick, you know that? They were going to try to turn you back there! Do you know how much hell I would've gone through if they'd managed to succeed?"
I leaned into his grip around me and whispered, "I'm sorry," before resting my head against his chest as he held me up. Sighing, he kissed my forehead and said, "You're going to be fine. You're a Beckett. William's blood is running through you whether you like it or not. Sometimes I think he's what's keeping you alive..."
"Don't say that..." I muttered, earning myself a classic eyebrow raise from him, before I went on to say, "You're what's keeping me alive."
Pete's eyes softened for a moment and he smiled almost shyly before helping me stand up. Then he leaned over and picked up the sword I'd dropped during the fight. Smirking, he commented, "You sure know how to choose your weapons," before handing it to me. The potion must've been kicking in because I was able to reach for it without nearly toppling over.
Then there was the echo of a feminine cry coming from the other room as Pete and I took off towards the sound. And what we saw was enough to paralyze us completely.
There was Patrick lying a bloody mess on the ground, where Jess had stood merely ten feet away from him before she'd gotten pinned to the floor by nearly fifty vampires.
Pete shot me a glance that said to help Jess, so within the little time I had, I took off towards her with my blade carefully in hand.
I could already see that Joe and Andy had already penetrated the immediate response of vampires as they tried to fight them as best as they could freehanded. But as I sprinted towards the mass of them with my blade held high above my head, their eyes had flickered and they all turned their attention to me. Great.
But I blindsided their swift tactics by sliding across the ground and spinning my blade in such a way that it had decapitated each and every one of them. I was relatively proud of myself at that moment, but was shocked to see, we had not won just yet. Across the room from me, I could see William smirking that God-awful grin that he bared when he knew something I didn't. I was afraid because it appeared that everyone around me was falling apart. To my left, I could see Andy and Joe on guard as they wearily held their weapons cautiously, knowing that William could strike at any moment. Behind me, I could hear Jess sobbing as she ran to Patrick's bloody corpse, as Pete tried his best to save his best friend.
My heart ached as I turned to watch the scene unfold, as William watched with a strange curiosity yet a sick twisted amusement as he waited to be addressed.
"Patrick! You can't die on me," she sobbed as she crumbled against him, "I-I need you. Y-you can't die without ever knowing how much... I love you!"
He groaned as a sign that he understood, but Pete omitted a miserable expression towards me as he sighed and said to Joe and Andy, "Get Patrick out of here. Leave the rest to us," before looking compassionately at Jess and asking, "Are you together enough to fight?"
Wiping her eyes, she looked from Pete to me with her bottom lip trembling before she lowly submitted, "Don't count me out of this battle."
And with that, she stood up gracefully with her hair covering a thick layer over her eyes as she sent a death glare at my sibling standing across the room. He wore a playful smile as he said, "Well, I suppose this is it, huh? You're just going to foil my plot just like that. You kids are so full of imagination..."
"We're done strategizing," I told Pete as he stood up and walked over to my side, "This is it. I'm sick of his bullshit, Pete. I need to end this."
He nodded, appearing to be a little bit overwhelmed by the situation, which was very out of character for him. But as I turned to face William, I could already tell the outcome of this fight by the look on his face. This was the moment I'd been waiting for my entire life.  

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