| II | Trophy x Fan (lime????)

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Is this ship plausible? No. Have they ever interacted? Hardly. Is this a crackship? Hell naw. Is this an OTP? Hell YES. Why do you ship this? Because Trophan rules. Is there any evidence? Not that I know of. If there isn't any evidence, then why isn't it a crackship? 🙆🏽‍♀️.

So, my lovely readers, I will now dump upon you a Trophan fic. I have no explaination other than this: 

I ship it.


I have two Fans. There's the fanboy babey, and there's the fanboy seems-like-a-babey-but-isn't. This one is the second Fan. Don't read if you headcanon the first Fan.

The reason there's a googol of question marks is because I only have some stuff here and there; but it's not all over the place, like the Trowel x Beer one. There's,, like,, a literal split second of anticlimactic mastabatoing, and a wall-pin. (I REFUSE to spell mastabatoing correctly.)


Plot: Fan has a huge crush on Trophy. Paintbrush finds out first then convinces *crosses out "convinces"* forces  him to confess.


[Fan's POV]

I was scrolling through my phone, as tired as ever. Nothing exciting was happening today because of the delay for the next challenge... Since Inanimate Insanity hasn't aired on the TV for a while, everyone— just like me —has been hella bored. 

Today, as usual, I was browsing Tumblr. Everyone made such good fanart for us, I loved it all! Even the... the... uh... I-I'm just not gonna finish that sentence. Anyway, I've been on the site for a while now, and then I think of something.

Hesitating for a moment; I scroll up to the top, tap on the search bar, then type in my favourite ship— and wait before pressing enter. I always give it a good few minutes before I do it. Finally, after I think I can keep myself contained, I tap the little magnifying glass and look at the results.

So many people have made fanart and headcanons for this... I'm positive I've been through this search too many times. Every time I do, I stare longingly at every picture. If only the ship should be canon. Also, in case you were wondering, what I searched up was Trophan. 

Yes... Trophy and Me.

I rolled over on my bed, hugging my body pillow to myself with one arm while holding my phone with the other. I stayed like this for a moment, then set my phone up against the headboard to free both of my hands. I pushed myself up with my arms, wrapping my legs around the pillow and gripping it.

This is also normal; I anyways do this around ten minutes into the daily fanart scroll. I know it's weird and cringeworthy, but I'm me, I guess. I get to do what I want.

(Wa r n)   

I found a good picture and stopped scrolling there, sitting up and grabbing the pillow again. My eyes flipped from the art to myself repeatedly as I inched my hand up my own thigh, teasing myself intentionally. I'm not sure why, but this always makes me feel good. I finally reached the area right between my legs, beginning to massage slowly...


"OH GOD!!" I whipped around, instinctively holding up the pillow to block my face from the object who came in. "I thought I had locked the door!" ...Then I saw him.

It was Paintbrush.

He squinted at me. "Lock the...? Why would you need to do that?" He was looking at me suspiciously, crossing his arms.

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