Whatever, I'm really crazy right now. I just... can't sleep without you by my side or me being worried for too much about you. Return ASAP, k?

Gah. I'm really tired of writing now, so bye. I mean, goodnight. I hope you'll have a good night sleep right there. See 'ya and take care!

Natsu (Salamander) :)

I am not kidding about what I wrote in the letter. It took me minutes (or maybe an hour or so) to think about and write that letter. I just... wanna let my HIDDEN feelings be out in that letter. Yeah, even Happy doesn't know it. I'm keeping this little secret of mine for awhile now, and I'd never gonna let anyone know about this, especially Lucy, the main topic of the letter.

I put down the pen and paper on the wooden floor then swiftly stood up and lazily headed beside Happy's bed. I plopped down on the soft bed and immediately forgot about my thoughts because of the comfortable bed. Sleepiness slowly crept towards me, making me soon drift off to sleep.


"Ne, ne, Natsu. Why did you wake up so late in the afternoon? Lucy have arrived already, you know? Oh, good morning by the way." Happy flied towards our window. I know he's gonna head off to Fairy Tail already.

I brushed my teeth and took a nice and quick shower. I'm so excited to see Lucy already! I bet she've already beaten up the monster! I'm so proud of her! I then put on my daily clothes and skipped happily towards our guild.

But before I could even reach her house (I have a feeling that Lucy and Happy are there; even Erza and Gray) someone tapped me on the shoulder and gave me a letter. Who wrote this? I burned the envelope, carefully not burning the letter inside of it. I took out a piece of paper.

Dear Natsu,

I've read your letter to me! Happy gave it to me. Well, I'm half reading your letter and half writing this letter for you, ehehe.

I miss you too! Everybody in the guild! So, did you know that I've beaten up that enormous monster? I'm strong, right? Right? Awesome too! Just kidding, hehehe. I'm happy anyways that you and Happy are doing well. I have taken care of myself very well, alright? Well, with the help of the celestial spirits too. I won't be able to survive without them so you must thank them, or else I'll be gone now. And don't worry, I'll share with you guys the reward. ;)

And yeah, I'm glad our friendship lasted for seven years. Can you believe that? For 7 years?

Oh! I wanna share with you my experience with the monster. :) So when I arrived at the Serendipity Beach, I was completely amazed. The place was beautiful; white sand, real blue beach (the water is really clear!), corals near the shore, and little fishes too! Just, wow. Just then-- while I was sight-seeing--, an enormous green one-eyed monster with huge lips appeared from the water. Then I ran for my life! I pulled my gate key Aquarius and ordered for her to vanish the monster. And you know what happened. I was completely washed away with the monster STILL STANDING. Then Aquarius returned to the celestial spirit world, with her uttering 'Tsk.' Then I was like 'Oh no! I'm dead!' Then I ran for my life again. I called Aries. She attacked with her magic but was also no use. I thanked her then thought of Loki! My most powerful celestial spirit came with a puff. Then he did what he must do. And I was saved!!

After that, the owner of the beach let me stay at the beach as a reward (of course with the jewels hehehe). And that's why it took me for awhile to return. And yeah, I had a good time there. Oh! And guess what? I also saw the Blue Pegasus! And we had a great time together. We had games... Jenny and Chelia became one of my friends actually. So... I believe all of the Blue Pegasus' guild members is now my friend (Uh... well I dunno about Sherry...) which is kinda an achievement for me. ^_^

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