"Contact who?" A voice said from the open doors of the service elevator.

   The man's grip on Peter fell, and he was able to turn around and see Happy walking towards him. But, before the Head of Security could reach him, the self proclaimed 'boss,' interrupted Happy first.

  "Mr. Hogan, sir. I didn't know you would be coming in today."

   "I'm basically always in, Gregory. Now what's going on?" Happy said in a monotone voice, leaning his body to look around Gregory. He looked Peter up and down before nodding at him.

  "Well, sir, this kid here," Gregory said gesturing to Peter, "-claims to work for Tony Stark. He says he has an internship! How ridiculous!"

  "And why wasn't a report sent in before you decided to kick him out?" Happy questioned the man.
  "Well for some reason some error appeared on the screen, we should call to get that looked at. But I just thought it would be okay to just kick him out."

   Happy sighed, closing his eyes before running a hand over his tired face, "I don't get paid enough to deal with this." He opened his eyes and took Peter's  ID badge the man still held in his hand.

  Happy walked over to Peter, with Gregory following him,  and handed the kid his card, "Remember this, if an alert comes up on the screen, there's probably a reason for it. This is Stark Tower, with the best technology in the world."

  "B-but I don't understand! He's just a kid! He shouldn't be allowed that pass! I don't even have that kind of pass!" Gregory protested, sounding like a small child.

   Happy sighed again, "I can't with this." He opened his mouth to say something but the large, silver elevator on the other side of the room opened, revealing Tony Stark himself.

   Tony walked over to the group, coming to stand beside Peter, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, "What's going on here?"

  Gregory's mouth opened and closed a few times, before he was finally able to form a coherent sentence, "I don't understand? I was just trying to file a report?"

   "You shouldn't have decided to kick out the kid without following proper procedure," Happy reprimanded, "He had a pass, and if he wanted to, you should of let him contact me and this whole issue would have been avoided."

   "Y-yes, sir," Gregory said to Happy, "I'll make sure of that next time."

   "Good, now go home Geoffrey, Happy will call you when he needs you to come in again," Tony said to the security officer.

   "W-what? But I-? My name's not-?" Gregory began to stumble through his words.

    Tony put up his hand, successfully silencing the man, "Enough, Geoffrey, go home. Maybe read Security Guarding for Dummies while you're there."


   One Happy had made sure Gregory was out of the building, the trio rode their way up Tony's private elevator.

   "How did you guys know that was happening? I didn't even call or text you?" Peter asked the two confused.

  "Ah, well. Being the smart man I am, I created a few protocols just for you," Tony said, tapping Peter on the nose as he said the word 'you.'

  Peter's nose scrunched up in discomfort, though he couldn't hide the small smile that had appeared, "Please, never do that again."

  "Anyway," Tony said, ignoring Peter, "-one protocol is designed for this very situation. If you get a report filed on you by security, Protocol PINAC is activated."

  "Protocol PINAC?" Peter asked confused.

  "Protocol Peter Is Not A Criminal," Happy answered the teen.

   "Once the Protocol is activated, me and Hap here both get a notification on our phone, telling us where to go," Tony finished explaining the newly created protocol.

   "Ohhh, well that's nice Mr. Stark! Thank you!" Peter smiled at the superhero.

    "You're welcome kid," Tony ruffled the hair on Peter's head, "But I'm going to be completely honest, me and Hap were just talking in the lab, and once that alert came he was gone! I mean, he left faster than I could even stand up!"

    Happy made a disgruntled face as Tony laughed from the other side of the elevator, "I had to make sure my employees weren't messing up my work space."

   "Sure, Mr. Happy! Thanks for coming to check up on me!" Peter called out as he bounded off the now open elevator.

   "I hate teenagers," Happy mumbled to Tony as they stepped off the elevator.

    "But not my son," Tony said, almost absentmindedly, before freezing, realizing what he had said.

   "Your son, huh?" Happy asked with a smirk on his face.

    "Slip of the tongue," Tony waved his hand in front of his face, dismissing what he had just said.

    "Sure! Denial doesn't look great on you, Stark!" Happy said laughing, as the other man quickly walked away, heading towards the lab.

   Tony shook his head but froze once he saw Peter. The teenager was pressed up against the edge of the hallway, obviously in a position to have heard the conversation between the Head and Security and himself.

   They both stared at each other before Peter opened his mouth to speak. "Son?" He said, almost too quiet for Tony to hear.

  "I mean- that is what I said." Tony didn't really know what else to say, except to state the obvious. "But only if you want to be, kid. Only if you're comfortable with me calling you that."

   "I am, Mr. Stark." Peter shot forward to hug Tony, dropping his bad and all his items in the process, "I am...dad."


  Kind of rushed, so I'm sorry! Hope you enjoyed reading!

  Words: 1537



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