'That means a total of 6 people can pull out their own Soul Keys...' Mitsuru thought to herself. 

The door opened and they were in what seemed like a lab. Much deeper than the warmth of the mansion, a cold lab was here.

"This is where we store the weapons for ourselves. Aomine and Kuroko are responsible of bringing back parts for us but that is not important because I have someone you have to meet right now." They walked towards the end of the lab and Akashi put his hand on the handprint sensor. It gave him the access to enter. 

"Hm? Akashi-kun?" They have entered Momoi's computer room. The only lights within the dark room were from the computer screens. 

"Momoi, I have brought her here." He stood out of the way so Momoi can get a good look at Mitsuru. 

"Ah! Mimi!" Momoi spun around from her spinning chair and got up to hug Mitsuru, "You are much cooler in person! I finally get to meet you!" 

"Y-you're suffocating me!" Mitsuru complained. Since Momois' chest size was much bigger than Mitsuru's, she was suffering. 

"Oh? Sorry! Hahaha, it's just you are so cool when you fight! I see you all the time thanks to hacking security cameras!" 

'So she is the one that hacks security cameras for the others..." 

"I am Momoi Satsuki, Kiseki no Sedai's hacker. Nice to meet you, Mimi." 

"Momoi, show her what we found." Akashi said to Momoi. Momoi's smile disappeared right away. 


"Do it." 

Momoi doesn't have a choice and she went back to sit on the spinning chair. She pressed a number of keys and out came Kasamatsu Yukio's profile on the screen. 


"As of now, we are stopping your communications with this guy." Akashi was straight to the point, relentless with the truth, "This guy is with WINGS. It's been confirmed."

"What? Why?!" 

"Mimi, calm down..." Momoi insisted. 

"No! You took me here telling me that WINGS is after me and then you tell me that Yukio-senpai and I can't talk to each other anymore, what kind of bullshit are you telling me?! There is no way he's with WINGS!"

Akashi went over to Momoi and clicked on a video file. Momoi's hacking skills were top notch since she was able to hack into WINGS's camera. The camera was at the training ground for the soldiers. Kasamatsu can be seen with a soldier. The soldier has messy long black hair and an eerie smile. Mitsuru have a feeling this guy cannot be trusted. 

"Kasamatsu Yukio, from now on this makes you one of us. Thank you for confirming the information for us. I'm Imayoshi Shoichi and I welcome you as a comrade. You are under my team from now on." 

"Ah. Imayoshi, I will get straight to the point... I am only here to do what I have to do. Don't expect me to be too friendly." 

"Okay, okay. I'm just glad we have a reliable person on the team." 


"Kasamatsu, I am just curious..." 


"That is your childhood friend, isn't it?" 

"Huh? You're wasting my time by asking ridiculous questions? It's not important anymore. You guys are looking for the Queen, no? Let's focus on the important part."

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