To Be In Love (Sun Wukong)

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You loved it when Sun tried to play the suave ladies man.

You wouldn't say he wasn't charming on his own or that he didn't have a decent romantic sense when he wanted to, that wasn't the case at all, but to say that he was the 'spy in the suit' type with charm oozing from every orifice? Certainly didn't fit him even when he tried. He wasn't the type to change who he was for the person he had a crush on but he didn't see the harm in trying something new even if it only got him laughed at.

He really loved your smile.

He loved it when you laughed even more.

Even after he'd officially asked you out, and you officially said yes, and your relationship had become without a doubt official, there hadn't been a real reason for him to continue testing out pick-up lines on you. He said it was to keep the relationship spicy, to keep you interested in him and to remind you of exactly why he'd won your heart (his dashing good looks, blinding smile, great hair). And yet he's almost relentless with them, using line after line until you eventually give in and give him what he wants (which is generally a kiss).

You fight to keep yourself from smiling into the kiss because you don't want to encourage him to continue his shenanigans but knew you didn't need to enable him; he would be perfectly happy to keep relaying pick-up lines until you silence him with a crushing kiss because he got what he wanted. He especially liked the moments where you couldn't stop yourself from smiling against him, or even better, when a giggle or two escaped as he pecked at your lips multiple times saying he wanted to save a few kisses for later.

"I love you," You whispered against his lips, sneaking in a few more pecks before he responded.

"I love you more," He rubbed his nose against yours, knowing his teammates would utterly decimate him if they saw him doing something so cutesy, "But don't worry! My search for the perfect pick-up line hasn't ended yet."

"More to come?"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2020 ⏰

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