Letters B, F, G, K, L, S, W, Y (Cinder Fall)

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B - Being best friends:

To even be her best friend, you'll have to be just as cunning and driven as she is, but still willing to work alongside or under her. There's probably not outright label attached to your friendship because it feels juvenile to refer to each other as best friends, but Cinder knows she can rely on you to get a job done or to keep something under wraps. In turn, you know Cinder will have sound advice and be willing to help you cause mischief if she's not busy.

F - Flirting with you:

Cinder has one irresistible come hither look to her, and once you're in her sights, you're not likely to escape. There's just something about her that makes her so enamoring, the way she says just the right things at the right time; she makes seducing you seem like the easiest thing in the world, but you're powerless to resist.

G - Getting protective over you:

Cinder doesn't normally speak up on someone else's behalf, perhaps saying something positive about her subordinates so they don't abandon her entirely, but she tends to just let them sort out their own problems. If she speaks up on your behalf, if she steps in to defend you, or if she even shows an emotion towards you that's not negative, it's likely that she cares about your well-being more than anyone would guess.

K - Kissing you:

Kisses with Cinder always seem to be a battle for dominance, not full of any love but still consisting of some passion. It pleases her most when you submit to her will, allowing her to bite and tug at your lip, get as aggressive as she wants to be, at her complete mercy. She does like when you bite back, so long as you quickly get back in your place after the short show of rebellion.

L - Lounging around on a lazy day:

Cinder doesn't take downtime, but there are days where she's less physically active and enjoys retreating into the comfort of her own space. On these days she rarely lets Emerald or Mercury bother her, but you're an exception; you can sit around while she plots and plans, so long as you're not annoying. She appreciates the company of someone who doesn't constantly exhaust her.

S - Sleeping over with you:

There's something she's looking for, perhaps information, or perhaps just trying to win your undying loyalty, but she doesn't let any emotion seep through when she first spends the night with you. Her moves are always calculated and even if you know she's using you, it feels good. You let her continue to do as she pleases, knowing it makes her happy (if she can even feel such a light-hearted thing) to have complete control over you.

W - Waking up to you:

She's contemplative in the morning, wondering why she spent the night with you, not understanding even her own motives. What did she feel for you? She glances over at your sleeping form and wonders if you realized how quickly she could rid herself of you, though she wonders if she ever will. The feelings she has are complicated, and with her current position, she doesn't feel much like delving deeper to figure them out.

Y - Yelling at each other (for the angst!):

Regardless of your relationship with her, it's best to avoid Cinder when she's angry. She doesn't normally allow her emotions to get the better of her, trying to keep the fire burning inside but in the end, if you keep pushing her the beast bursts out. Easily intimidated or not, Cinder can be terrifying when she's angry, having you question whether you'll leave the argument alive.

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