110. Welcome Home

Start from the beginning

Her cheeks burned hotter. She shifted her attention to Eoin, who wore a kind-hearted smile on his face. He offered his arm. "Shall we?"

She arched an eyebrow. "Where are you taking me?"

"I will escort you to the room that you will be staying in," Eoin explained. "As my esteemed guest, you will be pampered and spoiled to your hearts content."

"I like the sound of that," Ravenna muttered under her breath sarcastically.

Mylo coughed. "I wouldn't get too carried away. The King is hosting a marvelous feast in celebration of our return. I am sure that he is very eager to meet you."

Ravenna's stomach dropped. "That sounds wonderful," she forced out.

Eoin shook his head and patted her arm reassuringly. "Don't fret," he told her, a strangely cheerful grin on his face. "Even if you were to make a sour first impression, I doubt he would remember it tomorrow. Even your beauty cannot tame his obsession with ale."

"Your father seems like a lovely man," she commented idly.

He hummed, guiding her through the courtyard and into the foyer of the castle. "He used to be," he said after a moment. His glistened with sadness.

She frowned and placed her hand atop his, a mild attempt at comforting him. Part of her urged to press him for more details. She had heard the rumors, the heated whispers that flooded the streets of the kingdom. It was simple gossip —ever since his wife died, the King had been buried too deeply in bar maidens and alcohol to rule.

From the sound of it, the rumors were pretty true.

This was Eoin's father, however. And that was something that she had to remind herself. As much as she needed to learn, she also needed to be careful about how she handled Eoin's family drama.

Especially if she wanted him to trust her.

"I don't know what happened to my father," she revealed softly.

He glanced down at her, his eyes wide. A gentle frown tugged at his features. "You didn't?"

She shook her head. They walked slowly up the grand staircase, toward the massive hallways that separated each wing of the castle. "Mother met him when she was young and innocent. All I really know for sure is that he wasn't. He thought of her as a game, a prize to be won."

Staring bitterly down the hall, she sighed and continued, "By the time she realized that she was with child, he'd already moved on to another, younger girl in another town."

Eoin's frown deepened.

Ravenna smiled up at him. "Mother did her best. We had a decent home, right in the center of our town. Whatever we couldn't purchase in the market could be bought in another town right down the road. It was perfect."

"Do you miss it?"

That made her pause. The ache that pierced her heart almost made it impossible to speak. "I do."

They started down another hallway —one that was smaller and lined with doors. A wave of silence engulfed them, as Ravenna wrestled with the emotion that nipped at her chest. She followed Eoin absently until she found herself standing in front of the very last door in the hallway. The door had opened, revealing a young woman. She wore a crisp white tunic and strange, flowing white pants. Her feet were bare and her ice blond hair was pulled back into a simple bun atop her head.

The woman bowed. "Your Highness."

"Please make her comfortable and tend to her every need," Eoin told the woman. Then he turned to Ravenna. His hand lifted, fingers hesitantly touching her cheek. "Welcome home, Ravenna," he told her.

 "Welcome home, Ravenna," he told her

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Hello friends! 

I'm sorry that I haven't been as active for the past few weeks. I feel like I'm way behind on responding to comments and actually doing things on here!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this book! I genuinely look forward to all of your comments!! I hope that everyone has a super awesome week filled with happiness and laughter! You rock!! ❤

ash ❤

p.s. Chapter 111 is already live on Patreon if you would like to read ahead! ❤ 

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