I notice Zane is still in the room. I need an I.V started up. "Zane." He perks up. "Bottom of the closet, medical bag, grab the small white bag. And the green and silver bag." I tell hem. He goes, finding and bringing the bags. He opens the white bag, pulling out the I.V tube and needle, along with the strap. "Tie it mid-bicep, and locate the vain at my elbow." He ties the starp, feels for the vain and pricks the vain. "Green and silver bag. Get the vile and syringe, it's epidural. To help me with the pain." He nods, sticking the needle in the bottle. "Five milligrams." I yell in pain as Zane fills the syringe. He puts it in the I.V, removing it afterwards. "Names, we need names." I say. "You pick them, love." Cole said. "Girls will be Cora Dani and  Blake Roxie." I say. "Perfect, and boys." Kai says. I arch as the contraction grips my body, the epidural isn't working, which can only mean one thing. "Fucking, hell, I'm immune to the epidural." I ground out, rolling to my side. Cole rubs my back as Kai my side. "Boys are Kairen Vern and Ebony... Seiya....God...fuck." I curl in emence pain. Garmadon opens the door, my old friend Marco rushing in.

"Have you started the epidural." I nod "Immune." I rasp, hands going into fists, eyes closing tight as I'm floor by a painful contraction. "That's got to suck." Marco says than hugs me " I'm glad your home boss, the little ones can be birth safely" he said. I smile than yell in pain, grabbing the pillow and scream as a pop is felt, my water breaking. Marco rubs my arm as I scream into the pillow, back bowing.

Lloyd's p.o.v

It pains me as Jay's scream are heard through the ship. Mom and Rachael hold each other's hands, dad and Ray beside them. Cliff paces the floor, I just got back with bringing hem here. We're at Ninjago hospital, docked outside but, Jay's so far into it, Marco said he can't be moved. I flinch as Jay screams again, Nya rubs my back. Zane walks in, if he could, he'd be pale. "Jay's water has broke, he's now starting...." Zane is cut off by another scream. "Now starting to push the kids out. Marco said that could take a while." Zane relays. I can't imagine what Jay's going through. "Did Marco give Jay epidural." "Jay instructed me in doing it but, they won't work as Jay's immune." Zane says. Mom winches, she touches her belly. "That's how it was to me. Imagine the worst pain you be ever felt and times that my a million." I think of when I got kicked in the nuts training one day, than times it by a million.

I groan, sitting back and shaking my head. "Is there anything we can do." Nya asks. "Not really, except for the after math. This is something only Jay can handle. Even with the three in there, they can only do but so much for Jay." Rachael  said. I flinch as Jay screams in bloody murder. God help Jay.

Kai's p.o.v

Jay slumps against Cole as a contraction passes. He just screamed to the point we had to cover our ears. I reach out, stroking his leg. Marco looks at Jay under the towel Cole had Jay wrapped in, it's over Jay's spread legs. "At least two doctors are here." Marco said. Jay creaks hem upside his head "I can't even think right...aaahhh." Jay is broke off as he leans forward, pushing with the contraction. I offer my hand, he grips it tight. I grint my teeth at the grip he has.

Jay's p.o.v

The contraction doesn't let up, I rock, wanting to kneel. Marco sees what I'm trying to do but pushes me back. "Without the epidural, you can't kneel, plus, you can't do it with twins." I bearly hear hem as I hunch forward, crying in pain, pushing with all I got. "I see the head, come on Jay." I keep at it, taking a breath and push. "Hey, whoa..hey there cutie." Marco lifts the first of the twins, it's crying it's little heart out. Marco cleans it off, smiling. "A healthy boy." He says as I grunt in discomfort. He resumes his place, the twin a little easier but just as painful. It soon joins us, a boy as well. My head turned into Cole's neck, I relax, I'm done. Kai rubs my arm, I smile. Opening my eyes, I see Marco looking them over. "Their fine and dandy. They just want mama." He said. I hold an arm out, Marco goes to hand the first born when I grunt again, crying out. Marco looks, than it clicks as I realize. "Fuck, there's a third." Marco said, setting my legs up. I scream this time, there's no chance in hell I can hold it in now. Cole and Kai rub my sides, I'm pushing but I don't have the strength. Taking a few pants, I reach deep down in me to muster all I have. With a final push, the triplet joins us. I gasp, slumping heavily on Cole, panting harder. He nuzzles my neck, Kai wripping my brow with a cool rag.

"You did wonderful. I'm proud to have a husband like you." Cole whispers in my ear. I can only moan in response, energy spent, I know nothing else.

Cole's p.o.v

Marco is knelt on the bed, looking the surprise triplets over. Jay's passed out against me but I don't care, he's safe, the babies are safe. Marco gets a page, the gurney is outside. "Kai, if you'll take the girl, I'll get the boys." Kai nods, kissing Jay's cheek and goes to the little girl. I move to stand, taking Jay in my arms. Marco had cleaned Jay up and put his briefs and shorts back on. I walk out, coming to the living, Jay's head heavy on my shoulder.

As I come into the living, Cliff walks up, touching Jay's arm. Cliff rests hos head on Jay's bicep than backs off as I go. Walking down the ramp, Allison and Mike stand to the side. Laying Jay on the gurney, Kai and Marco come, the babies wrapped in our Gi's. The three take Jay and the babes inside, me and Kai go to clean our room.

Jay's p.o.v

Opening my eyes, beeping greets me. Looking around, I see the walls of the infirmary in the hospital. A hand on my arm has me looking at Kai. Lips on my cheek let's me know Cole's on the other side. Looking around more, dad is smiling from a chair in the corner, Ray and Rachael on the couch. I smile as well as Kai kisses me this time. My brows than go down "babies, three of them." I say. Kai turns, walking to a bassinet, he picks up two bundles, dad the third. They come over as I shift, laying the three beside me on the bed. Two blue blankets and one pink. "Marco said that their perfectly healthy. But your badly malnourished and dehydrated. You'll need to stay for a month." I nod, I gave all I had to make sure my babies would survive. The door opens, Marco walks in.

"How you feeling Jay." Marco says, changing the fluids bag. I reach up, feeling something on my cheek, it's a bandage. "It was heavily infected, what did they do." Marco asks, setting a plate down. I lift the lid, gladly eatting the food. For the first time other than when Cole feed fed me, I hum as I finally feel full. "During one of the feeding sessions, I asked how long they had had me for. The thug. (I take a bite, swallowing.) Said I'd been there for two months. I begged for them to let me go, but, I learned the buyer was willing to pay triple for me and the babies. He offered me food and I bit the hell out of his fingers. He slapped me but I didn't let go. It took them burning me with a branding rod to get me to release. What's the mark look like." Kai takes out his phone. He pulls up a picture and turns it to me

 He pulls up a picture and turns it to me

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My brows go up, they fucking branded me. Well, they in prison now. "I win." I say. All look at me. "They wanted to sell me, they wanted to win that fight. I won and this mark proves I won against Yai Fowly. He sent many people to their deaths, but, he fucked up when he captured me. I won, he lost, I'm free, he's not. My babies are safe, they and me are with our families, he can't say the same. Now, he's someone's bitch." I said. Everyone smiles at me, Kai and Cole kiss me. "Just one more thing. The boys are Kairen Vern and Ebony Seiya but what about our princess." Cole asks. I look, Ebony looks just like Cole and Kairen just like Kai. "Y'all pick. I picked the boys names." I say, Ebony getting fussy. I unbotten the top of the gown, letting it fall. My breast have grown out, milk now drips from the nipples. Pulling Ebony to me, he starts to suckle.

"How about Jaylen, Jaylen Dani. You named Ebony and Kairen after us, it's only fare she's names after you." I smile as Ebony finishes, I take Kairen, he suckle and Jaylen is last. Lifting my gown back up, Kai bottons the sleeve. Laying back, exhaustion taking it's toll, I pull the babies to me, Cole pulls the blanket up. I smile, hand by my head, I drift off, my husband's, my lover's, my children's father's and my protectors watching over me as I sleep peacefully for the first time in three months

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