Chapter 17

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Three months have past since me, Kai and Cole became a trime. I found out something two and a half months ago. I'm what is known as a reproducing male. I can get pregnant and that's what the two have been trying to do. I'm at my work desk right now, looking over some charts when Marco lays a sheet of paper down. I wasn't feeling too hot today so Marco suggested getting checked. He sits in the chair beside me as I read the paper.

"Your kidding." I say, looking at hem. Marco smirks "I believe congrats are in order." He says. Allison hugs me from behind, the whole staff knows about me. "Holy cow, is it one or both of them." I say. Marco looks at the time. "Your about two months, so yeah." He said. I remember that night, both of them fucked me for four hours straight, my belly was huge by the time we got done.

"Can I request for an ultrasound." I ask. Marco snorts "Your the head doctor here, you can ask for anything." Allison said. We go to the room, I remove my coat and shirt. Laying on the bed, Marco puts the cream on my belly. Using the wand, he looks around. He stops near my pelvis, pressing down. I grunt in discomfort as his brows knit in concentration. "There you are." He says after a minute. Marco turns the screen, I see not one but two embryos. Tears gather in the corner of my eyes as Allison hugs me. "Your a mommy." She says. I wrip the tears, Marco cleaning the cream off. Pulling on my shirt, Marco hands me a print of the ultrasound.

I spend the day looking at it, a hand resting over my middle. When my shift ends, I walk out the hospital doors, AryzSeyrVala lifts her head up. I clime on her saddle, she takes to the air. 'How's my rider and pups.' She asks. "You knew, didn't you." I ask. 'Your scent shifted three weeks ago, I waited till you found out. I'm happy, more riders.' AryzSeyrVala says, banking to land on the Bounty. I slide off, dad meets me. Every now and then, dad joins us at the monastery or ship. I hug hem as well, we go in. Coming in, I'm embraced by the brothers I've come to love. They kiss my cheeks, I purr. Dinner is done by Ray and Rachael. They escaped from the time twins and reunited with Kai, Cole and Nya. They've also taken that the twin brothers share a boyfriend quite well.

I wait for the right moment to revile, I see it when Wu makes a toast. I hold my glass of water up, normally at dinner I drink wine or soda, not anymore. Everyone looks to me. "Jay, before you say anything, can me and Kai speak first." Cole asks. I nod, they both get up. I turn to them just in time for them both to kneel on one knee. "Jay Gordon, will you take us as one and marry us." They say as one. I can't even speak so I nod. Tears brim my eyes as the brothers slide their rings on my fingers. The others cheer as Cole and Kai kiss my cheeks.

"I have something to say as well." I said, finding my voice again. They all look at me, I reach into my coat pocket, pulling out the photo, laying it face down. "Taken today." I said. Nya, Misako, and Rachael all go wide eye as the twins pick the picture up. It takes but a second before I'm picked up by Cole. "How far along." Kai asks. "Two months. Twins." I smile. Both hug me, kissing my cheeks as I smile.

Later, I lay on the bed, the brothers taking showers. I'm starting to drift off when hands grip my hips. Cole is before me, he gently slides into me. Moaning, I grasp the pillow as he sets a slow, gentle pace, Kai placing kisses on my neck. Cole thrusts deep, sends shocks and waves of pleasure and it sends me over into the most intense climax ever. Coming down, Kai had switched, now he's fucking me the same way. I soon release a broken moan as a second orgasm rocks my body, Kai's semen mixing with Cole's. He pulls out, cleans us up and we fall asleep.

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