Chapter 15

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Cole's p.o.v

Well this day started shitty. Nebula attacked the ship when we were sleeping and now he is blasting me, Zane and Lloyd. Garmadon is pinned under the mast, Wu is unconscious by the door. Kai is layed out on the stump of where the mast was, he's dazed. Jay is in the air on AryzSeyrVala, providing us some relief as AryzSeyrVala shoots fire balls at hem. She linked all our minds up as we can talk without comms. Jay shoots a bolt of lightning and it takes Nebula down for a minute. AryzSeyrVala lands by the mast, picking it up off Garmadon long enough for hem to pull himself from under it. "Good bye." Nebula says, shooting a green sphere at Jay and AryzSeyrVala. Jay ducks down, AryzSeyrVala curls around Garmadon as it hits them. When it fades, none of the three are there.

Jay's p.o.v

We appear in midair, Garmadon free falling. AryzSeyrVala dive bombs to catch hem, snagging Garmadon's coat. She puts gem behind me, Garmadon wraps his arms around me. I see the Bounty not far from here and head to it. Coming up on it, AryzSeyrVala has to bank left hard to not hit a fire ball. Good thing we were above the ship, bad thing, Garmadon fell off. AryzSeyrVala dives once more, she snags his coat once again.

(Realm period is before Lloyd was found out to be the green ninja.)

Kai's p.o.v

The silver dragon caught the guy with a claw, gently setting hem down. It landing behind hem, Jay slides off. He's different, hair reaching his shoulders, tied in a ponytail. He's as tall as Cole is, the white coa touches his ankles. He looks at us briefly than turns to the guy. He has a pained look in his eye as Jay gently feels his leg. Jay gets to his knee and femor, the guy yeps, it slips past clenched teeth. Jay looks to the dragon, it rumbles, laying down. Jay stands, helping the guy up and supporting hem as Jay turns to the door. Cole opens the door, they go through. We follow, Garmadon has a hold on Lloyd.

Jay lays the guy on the medical table, going to the cabinet. Getting the box for casts, Jay turns back to hem. I look at hem but for the love of god don't recognize hem. Jay cuts his pants leg, I pull it apart, Jay nods in thanks. Wrapping gaze around his leg, Jay pulls on gloves. Taking dark green cast wrap, Jay wraps it around the gaze. It is so strange how comfortable Jay is in the medical room. I look at the coat, catching the blue writing and name tag. Jay's the head surgeon of Ninjago hospital. He finishes, pulling the gloves off and sparks dance along the wrap, hardening it. Jay smiles in satisfaction, going to the closet and grabs crutches.

"Two months that legs got to be bound for. Understood, sensei." Jay says, handing his sensei the crutches. "Crystal, doctor Jay." Garmadon's voice sounds, but it has a playful tone to it. We all look as Jay smiles, helping Garmadon stand with the crutches, even adjusting them afterwards. Garmadon waits patiently as Jay checks everything. After Jay checks everything, he turns to us and holy hanna his face. Garmadon looks at his counterpart, nodding to Lloyd. He walks past us, Jay follows. The two go out, the dragon lifts it's head as Garmadon goes to it. Jay rubs it's head, it purrs.

"Guys, meet the purified Garmadon and my dragon, AryzSeyrVala." Jay said. Garmadon turns to us, bowing as a flash is seen. Jay's hand creaks with lightning as black magic surrounds Garmadon's hand. AryzSeyrVala growls as a portal opens, a green dragon flying through. The three relax as the dragon disappears, the green ninja landing. He looks at Garmadon, taking to a run. "Dad." He hugs Garmadon. Garmadon hmms, hugging back. Wait, he said dad, noway, Lloyd's their green ninja. Lloyd pulls from Garmadon, pulling his hood off. "The guys thought it would be best if I came through. No offense Jay, you can't fight, and dad's got a broke leg." Lloyd says. Jay gives a pointed look, Garmadon backing up to AryzSeyrVala. Before any of us can even react, Lloyd's face is in the beck, arm wrenched behind, Jay having both knees grounded in Lloyd's back.

Lloyd grints his teeth, using his other arm to elbow Jay. Trying to elbow hem at least. Jay is at a position where Lloyd can't get leverage. I stuffle a laugh as Lloyd has to taps out. Jay let's go, Lloyd tries to get a cheep shoot but Jay grabs the arm, flips Lloyd over his shoulder and into an armbar. Lloyd cries out as he taps out on Jay's leg. Jay gets up as Lloyd moves his shoulder. "Don't be a baby, I only put it in a lock hold." Jay said. "Oh, and yes, I've been out of practice for eight months but it gave me time to get stronger in my own way." He said. "How did you do that." Lloyd says. Jay holds up three fingers. "I'm the head surgeon of Ninjago hospital." Puts one down "I know the human body inside and out." Puts down the second " And I'm y'alls doctor personally." Jay puts the last finger down, making a fist. "Fuck you." Lloyd says. Jay smirks "When, where and how. Oh wait, that's for Cole to know. Sorry, but my ass is for Cole only." Jay says.

Cole is red in the face right now. Garmadon covers his as he laughs at Lloyd's look. "I did not need to know about that." "I thought you could hear me, Kai's told us he's gotten off multiple times while we've done it." Jay said, hands on his hips. Garmadon howls in laughter as Lloyd looks sick. Now it's my turn to grow hot. Lloyd shakes his head, waving his hands. "Okay, shut up." Lloyd says. "That's the difference between us and you. You might be seventeen in body but your still eleven in mind." Jay said. Lloyd growls, lounging it Jay. Jay has to move in a way that twists his leg.

Lloyd falls to the deck, kicking out with a leg, he hits Jay's right leg. "Lloyd." Garmadon growls as Jay screams in pain, holding his leg and falling to the deck. Lloyd gets up, fear in his eyes. I run over, helping Jay sit up. Lloyd goes to touch Jay but Jay zaps hem. Lloyd flinches, backing up. AryzSeyrVala growls at hem as Garmadon glares. "Get inside, now." He growled at his son. Lloyd goes to talk but Garmadon cuts hem off. "You know how his leg is, that was a low blow, get the fuck inside. I'll deal with you in a bit." I shudder at the anger in Garmadon's voice Lloyd takes off into the ship.

Jay's p.o.v

I grent my teeth as my leg is nothing but white hot with pain. Garmadon goes to AryzSeyrVala's saddle, pulling out the brace I keep in it for emergencies. He hands it to me and I place it around my leg, tighting the the straps. Cole infront of me helps me stand. "Zane." He looks at me. "I need to see if the plate is busted, can you do the x-ray." I ask. He nods, helping me to the medical room. Laying on the bed, Zane takes five pictures. He hands them to me, I look them over. "I knew it, you've got to replace the plate." I say. Zane nods, getting the stuff.

Garmadon's p.o.v. (sensei)

Going to the living room that Lloyd's in, I stand before hem. Arms crossed over my chest, Lloyd ducks his head. "What gave you the right to do that. For all we know, you may have fucked Jay's leg up worse. Now, why the fuck did you do it. And if you say something stupid, I'll cut your ass here and now with them watching." I said. I see my dark self lead young Lloyd out. Wu shakes his head but stays. "I thought he would move..." "Well, did he. When you took the lounge at Jay, he had to move in a way that twisted his bad leg. He couldn't move fast enough after that.." I stop when Zane walks in. "I had to replace the plate in his leg, plus the bone got fractured worse." Zane said. Lloyd lowers his head more. I growl, Lloyd shrinks back.

"Behind the couch, hands on the pillows." I say. Lloyd gets up, doing as I ordered. I sigh, pulling the belt I have off. "Y'all can leave or watch, either way, your getting ten licks, Lloyd." I say to Lloyd as he leans over the couch. Kai takes the crutches, I pull the belt back, striking Lloyd across his butt. Lloyd bites his tounge, head curling down as I land a second.

Three smacks
Four, Lloyd's hands grip the couch hard.
Five, a yep escapes
Six, Lloyd's legs begin to shake.
Seven, he yelps, tears breeming his eyes.
Eight, Lloyd cries out,his legs almost give
Nine, Lloyd howls in pain
Ten, Lloyd slumps against the couch as I finish

"Just know, that hurt me more than it hurt you." I say, fixing my belt. He struggles to stand back up, using the couch for support. "Now, I believe you have some apologizing to do." I say, taking the crutches back. Lloyd nods, heading to the room "He's outside with AryzSeyrVala." Zane says. Lloyd turns to the deck door.

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