Chapter 2

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Jay's p.o.v.

From the day sensei found out, he's been helpful in keeping it on the down low. Two weeks have past, we're all eating dinner that Zane cooked when my phone goes off. Looking, its Allison. Answering, I hold it up. "Hey Ally, what's up." I say, Nya looks at me. Holding a finger up, what she's says next, floors me. "Your sisters awake." Ally says, I choke on the drink I had lifed. Coughing, my phone falls on the table. Cole picks it up, putting it on speaker. "Jay, Jay, you there" Marco says. "I'm  (cough) I'm here. Can you repeat that." I said coughing some more. "I said your sisters awake. She's asking for her BJ." Ally said. "Blue (cough) BlueJay, my nickname. How is she." I say, tears starting to pool in my eyes. "Give it half an hour and you can see for yourself" Marco said. "See ya than." I hang up. The tears now flow as I put my head down. Nya, a hand on my back, whispers claiming words. A ping on my phone has Cole handing it. Opening the message, I lose it. The message is of my sister, she's smiling at the camera. Turning the screen to them, I break down. Nya and Kai hug me, the two place comforting hands on mine. After five minutes, I calm down, Nya still holds my hand. "She's awake. She's actually awake." I mutter. "My fifth birthday, we had just blew out the candles on the cake when the stove exploded. I had Wyvern in my arms as I ran. The door got blocked so I jumped out the living room window." I pull up my sleeves, reviling scars, than pulling the front part of my gi apart, scars chris-crossing my chest. "My sister of two years old, fell into a coma on my birthday and been in one till now, for thirteen years." I explain. Looking at my phone, I notice the date. Its the anniversary of wyv going into the coma, also my birthday. I'm now eighteen where as Wyvern is fifteen. 'Holy sh*t'. I mouth. They look at me, Zane cocks his head to the side. "Today's the thirteenth anniversary of wyv going into the coma, and my eighteenth birthday." I said. "Talk about a birthday present." Kai said. We all bust out leaghing, that was actually funny. We get up to leave, I go to my room, getting the last present Wyvern got me and we head out.

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