Chapter 19

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Cole's p.o.v

Jay's been missing for close to three months now, he's gotta be close to having the twins. If he hasn't had them already. Kai comes in, he wraps arms around me. I nuzzle his head, my wedding band glowing in the light. "I want hem back, our little sparky. I need hem in our arms." Kai said. I nod in agreement, I need hem just as bad. Footsteps at the door sound, Zane peeking in. "We got a hit on the traffickers." We go into the main room.

"The head boss, Yai Fowly, has been kidnapping and selling people for the past year. We finally have his location. Let's hit hem." Lloyd says. We head out, coming to the abandoned building Yai is at. Storming the place, it's too easy to take the guy down. He didn't think about security here. Me, Rex, Nya and Kai are searching the rooms, freeing twenty people. Lloyd had joined us after locking Yai in the cells. He tries a door but it's locked. "Cole." I go over, lava arms activate and I break the door at the lock. The person on the bed looks at me, blindfold over her eyes and her hands cuffed. I walk over, stopping dead when I get a good look.

Jay's p.o.v

I hear the door open like always. The thug walks over but when he doesn't help me sit up, I cock my head. "Kai get your ass in here." I cry out in joy as Cole takes the blindfold off, I blink a few times, his face appears in my vision. "Cole...rocky." I literally cry tears of joy as Kai runs in, he breaks the cuff links. The manacles heavy on my wrists as Cole picks me up, I wrap my arms around his neck. Kai holds one of my hands as Cole walks out, the gang in the hall gasping at me. "Hey..guys." I say, head in Cole's neck. They head outside, I grunt, turning from the bright sun. Cole nuzzles me, he walks up the ramp of the ship, going inside. Sensei Wu and Garmadon gasp at seeing me. "Yai had hem." Kai says as Cole sets me on the couch. He and Kai sit beside me as I purr being back with my family. Soon, a good smell goes through the room, Zane walks out the kitchen with a plate.

He sets it on the coffee table, Cole picks it up. I whine, thinking it's Cole's when he rises the fork to me. I happily take the bite, humming at the taste of something other than an apples and sandwich. Zane had made my favorite, chicken and rice with a side of strean beans. Cole and Kai take turns giving me the food, I gladly eat it but I bearly got into it when I double over, holding my abdomen.

"Fucking hell, he's in labor.." I shake my head. "They kicked, they know we're home and wanted attention." I rub my belly, receiving another kick, the first in three months. Kai and Cole both cup my belly, the twins kicking more. I relish in them kicking, tears breeming my eyes as my shoulders shake in sobs. My husband's pull me close, I just cry, happy to be back home.

Later, I'm in the tub, having took a bath but wanting to soak. The almost hot water soothing my muscles. The twins start kicking again, I rub my side, stretch marks present. Cole and Kai are in the dojo, I have the bathroom and bedroom doors open. I rub my side, the kick was a little painful. It happens again, this time, worse and lasting longer. Shit, I'm truly in labor now. I try to stand to get out but can't due to the pain raking my body. "COLE, KAI." I call out, hunching over the tub lid as a contraction hits. Footsteps come running, Cole skidding in beside the tub. He and Kai take one look at me and know instantly what's going on. Kai pulls the plug, Cole wraps a towel around me, lifting me out. Nails digging into Cole's arm, I groan in pain as I'm sceased by a contraction.

Cole nuzzles me, laying me on the bed while Kai grabs some clothes and a bag. He hands them to cole, Cole slips the tank top, briefs and shorts on me. Zane walks in, he rises a hand over my middle. "Your in the first stages..." "Naw, ya think. I'm not the head surgeonof Ninjago hospital for nothing. Gah." I yell out in pain. I pound a just into the bed, screaming as the pain gets worse. Kai rubs my belly, I flinch "Don't touch me." I snarl as a painful contraction hits. When it sides, his hands return, I lay a hand over one. "I'm sorry..." "Don't, it's the pain talking, anything you want to do to distract you." Kai says. I ponder, we don't have names, I had been taken before we could find the genders out. "Names, they need names. Wu peeks his head in "we're ten miles from the hospital, it'll take fifteen minutes to get there." He says.

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