The thought

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"You have got to be shittin me!" said Xavier as he rolls of his king sized bed covered with a thick, velvet red coverlet.
"8am already!?I'm gonna be late for fricken school!" he says in a frantic manner while trying to put on his clothes.

Xavier's POV

I frantically put on my clothes and grab my bag. I dash to the front door and began to run to school. I wasn't living that far from the school so running to it for me wasn't a problem, plus, my father and mother had already left for work with the car so I didn't have much of a choice. Although the school wasn't far, I was out of breath when I had reached the school. I entered the front doors of the school and ran quickly toward my biology class.
I had biology for four periods this morning and how I hated that fact. I burst through the door of my class and everyone, including the teacher, gave me a dead cold stare. I awkwardly greeted the class and proceeded to my seat. "Well Xavier is here, we can start this morning's class" said the Bio teacher. I usually slept during his classes but something kept me awake this class, I had nothing else to do but pay attention.
"The brain is what controls the body's every move. The heart is what gives the muscles the energy to move and the brain controls the muscle to move it to your desired placement of that limb. The heart does its job no matter how strong the brain is, in fact, we only use 10% of our brains, if we were able to use 100% of our brains who knows what we could do, believe it or not, I myself researched how to activate the rest of my brain and tried it, the materials required are the rarest on earth which is why I did this during summer, it actually worked, I can use 11% of my brain which gives me an increased rate of understanding and learning." said the bio teacher. I looked at the teacher in awe of what he said, he only activated 1% more of his mind and got a special ability! Maybe I should try it."What were the ingredients you used exactly sir?" I asked, "Well, the materials were diamond, obsidian liquid, viscous lava, topaz, emerald, ruby and sapphire all in a liquid form, take the obsidian liquid and cool it in a cup form, mix the rest of ingredients in the cup and put it next to a 100000 megawatt Tesla tower, the Tesla tower will strike the mixture and then strike you in your temple. You will be unconscious for about an hour. When you wake up, your extra one percent will already be given to you, also, the amount of percentage gained is increased if the amount of mixture you have is increased, anyhow, let's get back to the topic." I spaced out during the rest of his class just wondering what I could do with such amazing power. I can be a literal superhero, maybe even become immortal.

Six hours later

School is finally over, my friends and I were talking and I brought up the idea of increasing our brain usage. They totally agreed and were awfully scared of the 100000 megawatt Tesla tower so they told me to try it out and then they would consider the idea. It was kind of amusing to see that Escanor and Doragon were scared but my mind was set on getting the materials for this experiment. Just imagine that the laws of Physics can be re written due to the successful results of this project, I'm just hoping my mom and dad would let me travel the world to collect the most dangerous and expensive materials in the world in large proportions and then get a 100000 megawatt Tesla tower to strike me in my head, I'm sure they would let me do that, I think.

Thanks for reading, this is my first book so if you see any mistakes or any way I could improve this story, even if you want to recommend some twists, just comment, thanks again for reading ch1

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