Task Three: Rudolf The Red Nosed Rebel - ☀ Summer Entries ☀

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"Cut it out!" His booming voice would overpower any sound. I stopped panicking. "I'm going to let you get up. You have to promise me you won't do anything stupid." I nodded. He reached down and undid the straps. "Okay,I know you don't want to be a part of this, but it's either help the revolution, or we kill you. Right now, I think the second choice is going to be the outcome. But, you still have a chance to prove that you'll cooperate." I nodded again. He nodded back and left to let other tributes get up.

I moved my legs to the side of the cot, but something wasn't right. Then, I remembered the arena. I couldn't move after I fell off the tree. Now, I could. Not very well, but I could still move. My body from my chest down felt tingly. I had no idea what was wrong, and I knew I couldn't survive if I couldn't walk.

I let my feet touch the cool floor as I hesitantly let my body slide off of the cot. I held onto the cot so I wouldn't fall, but gladly there was no need. I could stand. I breathed a sigh of relief.

The soldier was down letting tributes up, and tributes were walking all around the room. Sunny and Deborah were there, so I guess they hadn't died in the arena, however I didn't know anyone else. Actually, I didn't know Sunny and Deborah, I just remembered their names. I'm really bad at names, so I don't understand why I remembered them.

I walked over to the soldier. It was time to convince him. "Hello," I muttered. I was nervous. I didn't want to make any mistakes.

"Hi. So, I'm guessing you're here to tell me why I shouldn't kill you? Before you do, let me just say. I just have to make sure you're not hazard to the revolution." I nodded.

"Well, I realize that logic. You have a lot to take care of. Honestly, if you want my opinion, I definitely want the games to stop. I want to go home and be with my parents and friends, and watch the stars, and research them. I know that it can't happen. It's not your fault, but everyone I loved in District 5 is probably already dead." The soldier's face turned to sorrow. "And, since they probably are, there's no reason I shouldn't fight. I could lose my life. Yes. I could kill people. Yes. I could suffer the worst pain that anyone could suffer but not die. Yes. All of that could've happened in the arena. So, I will fight. And I will do anything to stop the games." The soldier smiled and gave a few claps.

"Good job," he said approvingly. "I can never fully trust anyone, even if they give the best damn speech in the world. But, I'll bet my life that you can be trusted. Thanks for your soon-to-be service." He left to talk to other tributes. I grinned. He wasn't going to kill me.

Then, I remembered one question I had been wanting to ask him ever since I got up. "Wait!" I yelled across the hovercraft. He turned around as I ran over to him. "What's your name?"

"Rudy. Rudy Dolff."


District 6 Male - JESTER 'JEZ' BLUME

My head hurts.

My hands hurt.

Everything hurts.

Bee stings I can cope with. A quick sharp sting, and the area is a bit sore for a couple of hours afterwards, but eventually you get used to it and recently I’ve hardly been feeling the stings I’ve taken. This is torture. A dull ache throbs through my entire body and my insides feel tender and fragile. My cheeks feel cold but I can’t move my body to see why because I’m being propped up. My hands are purple and blotchy with bruises; my arms are scratched. One of my fingers is in some sort of high-tech brace and sticks away from the others at an angle and when I try and clench my hand into a fist white-hot pain shoots up it and I cry aloud.

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