☀ District 5 Male - ATLAS CONSTANTINE

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NAME: Atlas Constantine

AGE: 18

THE REAPING: Volunteered

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Atlas has dirty blonde hair that falls to the end of his neck near his shoulders but not quite touching them. He has a side fringe and usually keeps his hair in a ponytail. His skin is cream colored with freckles dotted on Atlas's face. Atlas is muscular and tall, loving his height. His lips are full and the color of his cheeks, rosy pink. The best part about Atlas is his big eyes. They are like the sky, they always change. Once they may be Seaweed Green, another time Midnight Blue, but most of the time, his eyes are Aqua Green / Teal.

PERSONALITY DESCRIPTION: Atlas is a kind and caring guy. He loves to help out people in need of help with something. He tries his best to be kind to everyone he meets. But, Atlas does have a limit. He tries his best to hold his anger in and just be happy. When he reaches his limit, Atlas's whole kind personality is gone (POOF). Atlas becomes arrogant and rude and cusses a lot, I mean all his sentences have mean cuss words in them. Atlas tries his best to harm the person that pissed him off. Other than that, Atlas is a young man who just wants to have fun and be kind



LIFESTYLE: Atlas's dad was one of the past mayors of the district so they lived in one of the wealthier parts of the district. Atlas always goes to the lab and looked at the stars at night. He would go with his twins, Libra and Orion and look up at the stars. Before he went to the lab, he would always go to school and / or read a book to his younger sister, Starr. Atlas usually was alone so in most of his spare time, he would read about stars or planets and anything about space because he is so interested in space atractions.

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