I grimaced shaking my head. "We haven't done anything wrong. She is not a prisoner here she is family. Reyna is an honoured guest welcome in our home." I sighed rubbing my temples, "I don't want war. Not over a child. The North has had such a hard time as is, I doubt they would be willing to fight for a child. A Southern child no less."

"The North will follow you." Darius spoke confidently, "They will follow you anywhere."

I snorted at that, "That may be so but I will not go to war over this. Reyna is but a child. She cannot confidently sit a throne at her age."

"They have a council which is currently in rule. She will have guidance."

"I will not put a child on any throne. It goes against my conscience."

Darius sat across from me at the desk, "I doubt they care about your conscience, your majesty."

"Why not have a councilor live here to teach Reyna the ways of the South? I'd be much obliged to accommodate them here in the palace itself."

"Ellias did suggest that, however-"

"Ellias was there?" I asked intrigued, "I did not know he was part of the council."

"His father is."


"As I was saying Lord Darrow demands she return and many back him up."

I nodded absentmindedly, "Who is he again?"

"He's head of house Hillsflame. A very respected high up council member."

"Lovely." I replied dryly.

"What do you suggest I tell them?"

I pinched the bridge of my nose twirling a lock of hair my mind racing. Suddenly an idea popped into my head and I smiled meeting Darius' eye his eyes twinkled as though he glimpsed the idea behind my glittering ice blue eyes. "Why not have Kat train her?" voiced tilting my head.

Darius smiled relaxing, "It could work. However she has been cast out for her supposed crimes against her family."

"She is the proper heir of the South."

"She was overruled and outcast for what they believe her to have done."

My head shot up at that, "What did she do exactly?"
Darius tensed averting his gaze, "Uh I don't know exactly. The royal family was slain and she fled and in doing so they believe she is responsible."

"Kat wouldn't slaughter her own blood!" I exclaimed my palms hitting the desk.

Darius leveled his gaze with mine, "Valerie." He lowered his voice swallowing stiffly, "Faeries are different. They don't feel that same connection and loyalty to blood as we do. She could very well have with her skills."

"No." I barked shutting down his thought. "Not Kat. She may be lethal but she has a good heart."

Darius shrugged, "You know that and I know that.. But the South believes differently. Katrina is forbidden to return to her lands and she's cast aside her right to the throne in doing so."

"Kat wouldn't be breaking those rules if she remains here training Reyna." I whispered loudly, "She has been trained in the South, she knows their customs and rules. She knows how their court functions and how to gain the lords and ladies goodwill." I swallowed nodding along, "Kat is the best choice. Having Reyna learn from a member of the royal family is the best decision. Kat would never harm the girl. She may be harsh but Kat's fair. I trust her."

Darius unfolded his arms nodding in agreement, "Are you suggesting I ask if they would be alright with Katrina training the girl?"

My eyes slid to his steely and unmoving, "No. Tell them Kat will be training Reyna."

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