Chapter 14

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November 26, 2016

The sun rose in chilly Indianapolis and peaked through the bedroom window. My phone buzzed once again waking me up from my deep sleep. My arms slipped out from under the blanket and shot up in the air, letting the blood flow from my fingers to my shoulders. My legs flexed as my toes pointed down doing the same thing as my arms, an enormous yawn rolled out of my throat letting a new breath take shape in my lungs, and my torso rolled to its side allowing me to face my phone. As my right hand fell upon my phone, I lifted myself up leaning on my left elbow as my phone was lifted off the nightstand. The LED screen blinded me again causing me to look away and readjust my eyesight, finally my eyes fell upon the screen and read the text aloud.


Good morning, babe! I know this is going to sound cheesy as fuck, but you deserve the absolute world. You mean everything to me, and I promise you that I'm not going anywhere without having you in my mind. You're the most charismatic, beautiful, sexy, and dangerous person that I've ever known. There's no one like you and there never will be because you have my whole heart. You are the only one I'll ever want and the only one I'll ever need. You know how much I love you and I'll never be like your douche of an ex, always know that. I'm the type of man who'll stand by you through abso-freakin-lutely everything no matter what. Thank you for allowing me to be in your life, and know that I'll always be here for you, I'm never leaving you. I will love you and be here for you until my last breath. I LOVE YOU! Don't ever forget that.

I smiled widely at the sweet morning message Mark sent me, I always love these messages he sends me when he's far away because it shows me that he's always thinks of me wherever he is in the world. I sat up in bed and replied back with my very own sweet message.


Good morning (or evening?) babe! Thank you for sending me that super sweet message, I love waking up to these types of messages from you. I love you with all my heart and every fiber of my being, you have no idea. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and be happy with you by my side. Hurry up and fly back home because I miss you so much and I want to shower you with a million kisses. I LOVE YOU, PLANES! Don't ever forget that.

The message sent along with a warm smile on my lips. I removed the blanket from by body and walked into the hallway adjusting the thermostat to warm up the house. I entered the living room and folded hips down to unlock Bella's cage, she came shooting out stretching her small limbs out before heading out back to do her usual morning business. Lingering into the kitchen, I opened the back door letting Bella run out into the cold for a few minutes as I set up her morning breakfast. Five minutes later, Bella started scratching at the door to be let back in and I did, she sprinted around my legs barking happily waiting for her breakfast to be served. As I set down the bowl, she started devouring her food causing a light giggle to fill the quiet room. While Bella was eating, I started looking around the kitchen piecing together a delicious breakfast for myself.

As my food finished cooking, I scraped the contents onto my plate and sat down at the kitchen table. Digging my fork into my perfectly cooked food, my phone buzzed again... twice. Two texts? I wonder who needs me at this early hour? Unlocking my phone, I answered the first text and I felt stupid because it's my usual morning text from the best sister in the world.

Kitty Kat:

Morning my beautiful Ni! *3 hearts*

I smiled at Katie's message and replied quickly, then I turned my attention to the second text that I received.


Guess who's on a plane?!? Haha, get it? Plane? Anyway, I'll be home in a few hours, then I'm all yours, babygirl. *winky face*

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